Connectionists: Research associate - computational modelling

Matthias Treder matthias.treder at
Mon Sep 23 12:14:55 EDT 2019


We are seeking an outstanding scientist for a 2 year Research Associate
post on computational modelling of how memory reactivation during both REM
and NonREM phases of sleep differentially impacts on consolidation.  Our lab
the impact of sleep on memory using EEG together with behavioural measures
and fMRI.  We are particularly interested in how memory replay in sleep may
contribute to the formation of cortical representations from knowledge that
is initially coded into the hippocampus.  We are also interested in how
integration of incoming information with pre-existing cortical knowledge
may lead to plastic changes in existing schemas, potentially even boosting
the creative recombination of ideas or concepts.  Sleep provides the
perfect opportunity for building and updating models of the world – so a
predictive coding angle would be great.

This will be the lab’s first foray into computational modelling, and we are
looking for someone experienced in deep nets and / or PDP models.  The main
role of this person will be to create a computational model which captures
the process whereby information is learned in wake and then spontaneously
replayed during both REM and NREM phases of sleep (each of which have
different characteristics).  The model will be informed by behavioural data
in which we have manipulated memory replay in these sleep stages
(separately), and will be used to inform future experimental design.

Note that we also have a PhD student working on this project starting from
August, and the successful postdoctoral candidate would have the
opportunity to work closely with this student, and potentially be involved
in supervision.

This project has already generated several grants and we expect it to
generate very high impact publications.  The post is linked to an ERC grant
held by Penny Lewis at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre
(CUBRIC). CUBRIC is one of the best equipped neuroscience institutes in
Europe, housing 3 MRI scanners, including a 7T and a Connectom scanner, a
MEG, EEG labs, a brain stimulation lab, and of course the state of the art
sleep lab.  Further details of CUBRIC can be found on our web-page: /
*.  *The Neuroscience and Psychology of Sleep (NaPS) group is housed within
CUBRIC, and conducts world-leading research on the impacts of sleep on
cognitive processes.

Period of appointment:   2 years.

Salary: £33 - 39K per annum (Grade 6)


We are hoping to have someone in post by end of Feb 2020 at latest.

On behalf of Prof. Penny Lewis <LewisP8 at>
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