Connectionists: Quickly fading afterimages and hierarchical adaptations

Danko Nikolic danko.nikolic at
Thu Jul 25 04:06:15 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

We finally put together the first research paper reporting empirical
evidence in support of the theory of hierarchical adaptations -- a.k.a the
theory of practopoiesis.

The link is here:

We discovered a hierarchy of adaptations applied while the mind manages

Did you know that hierarchical adaptations are inconsistent with
connectionism (the very name of this list is connectionism)? Practopoiesis
abandons the idea that it is primarily the synapses that determine what we
know and what we do. Instead, the fast adaptations of neurons is what
matters. See this blog post:

Also, did you know that hierarchial adaptations explain why Darwin won over
Lamarck? According to the theory of hierarchical adaptations, Darwinism is
the only way how evolution could possibly work; there is something like
Knowledge Shielding and only genes that randomly combine can shield
knowledge that has been so painstakingly acquired by ancestors. Even more
excisting is that similar applies to the brain according to the theory: a
similar form of knowledge shielding applies to our skills and declarative
knowledge, making us smarter, more intelligent and succesful.

I hope you enjoy reading those texts.

I thank you for your interest and your comments.


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