Connectionists: Independent Junior Groups at the Max Planck for Biological Cybernetics
Peter Dayan
dayan at
Fri Nov 16 18:01:25 EST 2018
Max Planck Research Group Leaders at the
MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany.
The aim of the MPI for Biological Cybernetics is to understand
information processing in the brains of humans and animals. We use
experimental, theoretical and computational methods to elucidate the
characteristics and implementations of the cascades of plastic and
recurrent interactions that transform sensory data into perceptions,
memories, appropriate choices of actions, and motor output. We are
richly multidisciplinary, have excellent facilities for human and animal
neurophysiology and functional neuroimaging, and are building close
links with neighbouring Max Planck Institutes and the University of
Tuebingen that cover systems neuroscience, machine learning, and
beyond. The working language of the Institute is English.
We are developing a new organizational structure that will include a
substantial number of independent research groups working in relevant
areas and collaborating with each other, departments at the Institute
and beyond. Funding covers a set-up package, the position of the group
leader (equivalent to a W2 professorship), one post-doctoral and two PhD
student fellowships, a technician, secretarial support, plus
consumables. It lasts in the first instance for 5 years, with the
possibility of merit-based extensions for up to 4 more years.
We seek talented candidates with successful track records who are
interested in coming to build a Max Planck Research Group in this
environment. Applications should include a CV, a list of publications,
summaries of scientific achievements and research plans, and the names
and contact details of three referees. Applications should be sent in
PDF format no later than 2nd January 2019 to:
kyb-application at Shortlisted candidates will be invited
to an on-site interview on 27th February 2019.
The Institute and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft intend to enhance the
proportion of women and minorities in areas where they are
underrepresented, and they are therefore specially encouraged to apply.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to Peter Dayan:
kyb-inquiry at
The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is an independent, non-profit research
organization that primarily promotes and supports basic research. The
society currently operates over 80 institutes and research facilities
with more than 23,400 employees, including 4,400 scientists.
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