Connectionists: PhD in cortical memory storage at the University of Edinburgh
Matthias Hennig
m.hennig at
Mon Nov 12 07:43:19 EST 2018
Applications are invited for an EASTBIO-funded PhD position in the labs
of Dr. Gulsen Surmeli and Dr. Matthias Hennig. This is an excellent
training opportunity for a highly motivated individual to learn both the
use of modern in vivo functional neuron imaging technologies and the
applications computational methods to address fundamental questions in
neuronal computation.
Cognitive abilities are a result of coordinated activity of billions of
neurons. Recent advances in neuroscience research now enables monitoring
activity of thousands of neurons during cognitive tasks. Decoding these
large ensemble codes enable unprecedented insight into the inner
workings of the brain. This project aims to investigate neural ensemble
coding of cortical memory networks.
In this project, we will investigate the encoding of memories in
cortical networks. In Dr. Surmeli’s lab, a miniaturized head attached
fluorescent microscope (miniscope) will be used to perform cellular
resolution imaging of activity of neuronal ensembles in freely moving
mice during memory tasks. Combined with advanced genetic techniques this
method allows tracking activity of thousands of neurons during memory
formation and recall.
Since memory engrams are typically sparse and highly distributed over
many neurons, tracking the acquisition of new memories will require
advanced analysis methods, which will be developed in collaboration with
the second supervisor based in the School of Informatics. Moreover, the
results will enable constructing new models of short and long-term
memory acquisition that can advance artificial neural networks used in
machine learning applications.
For conditions of applying and to apply please refer to:
Download application and reference forms via:
Lab website/Online Profile
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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