Connectionists: 9 open PhD positions RTG 2340 "Computational Cognition", Univ. Osnabrück

Clemens Korndörfer ckorndoe at
Sat Aug 18 06:37:54 EDT 2018

fyi - applications by August 23 (!)

> Begin forwarded message:
> The RTG 2340 "Computational Cognition", funded by the German Research
> Foundation (DFG), invites applications for
> 4 PhD Candidates (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 100 %) 5 PhD Candidates
> (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 65 %)
> to be filled by October 1, 2018 for a period of 3 years.
> The RTG Computational Cognition aims at reintegrating Cognitive Science
> and Artificial Intelligence. PhD students of the RTG will be educated in
> both subjects in order to combine the findings of these fields and thus
> to get a better understanding of human and machine intelligence.
> Research fields involved in the RTG are Neuroinformatics,
> Neurobiopsychology, Bio-Inspired Computer Vision, Knowledge-Based
> Systems, Cognitive Natural Language Processing & Communication,
> Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Psycho/Neurolinguistics,
> Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Computing. The RTG will focus on
> the integration of two research fields. Detailed information on the core
> areas of the offered PhD projects can be obtained from the spokesmen of
> the RTG, Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa (gpipa at and Prof. Dr.
> Peter König (pkoenig at
> The RTG will be incorporated into the Cognitive Science PhD program
> founded in 2002. PhD students of the RTG will take advantage of an
> interdisciplinary environment, which nevertheless focusses on a common
> research topic and offers a broad range of methodological synergies
> between the projects.
> Required Qualifications: Applicants are expected to have an academic
> degree (Master/Diploma), experience in at least one of the domains
> listed above, proven experience in interdisciplinary work as well as a
> good command of the English language.
> Please find details about the RTG at
> Applications with the usual documentation should be submitted by e-mail
> in a single PDF file to the director of the Institute of Cognitive
> Science, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger (kkuehnbe at with
> a cc to office at no later than August 23, 2018.
> ------------------------------------------
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