Connectionists: Open position as postdoc/Research assistant in sensor data acquisition

Giorgio Valentini valentini at
Wed Dec 20 14:31:44 EST 2017

Open position as postdoc/Research assistant in sensor data acquisition 
supporting a project on Smart Cities at the University of Milano

At the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milano 
(Italy) one postdoc/research assistant position is available for the 
development of distributed solutions based on micro-services and fog 
computing for the acquisition, management and analysis of sensor data 
produced by heterogeneous platforms.

The postdoc/research assistant will work in solutions for easily 
specifying data acquisition plans for the integration and analysis of 
data produced by sensors that are distributed in different areas of a 
city. The work requires knowledge in HTML 5, CSS 3, javascript and 
node.js. Moreover, the knowledge of the Spark Streaming language is a plus.

The research is carried out in collaboration with the DISIT Lab of the 
Department of Informatics of the University of Florence as part of the 
Pre-Commercial-Procurement of the EU SELECT4CITIES project for designing 
and developing a platform for next generation smart cities.

We are looking for highly-motivated candidates, willing to make an 
impact with their research, and we are offering a dynamic environment 
where he/she can grow. The position is initially for 1 year, but with 
good performances it can be extended for another year. The grant depends 
on the qualification of the candidate (minimum euro 30.000).

Applicants are expected to have excellent academic qualifications within 
IT. The phD is not strictly required. Also candidates with a master in 
Computer Science can apply for the position.

For further information about the position and for details on the 
application procedure please contact Dr. Marco Mesiti 
(<mailto:mesiti at>mesiti at

Giorgio Valentini

Giorgio Valentini
Dip. Informatica - Universita' degli Studi di Milano
Phone: +39 (02) 503.16225
e-mail: valentini at
Anacleto Lab - Comp. Biology and Bioinformatics

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