Connectionists: PhD position in Dresden/Germany

Stefan Kiebel stefan.kiebel at
Tue Dec 19 05:53:46 EST 2017

Hello everyone,

the Department of Psychology at the TU Dresden (PI: Stefan Kiebel) is looking for a PhD student. The candidate will be working at the interface between computational and experimental neuroimaging research in cognitive control and goal-directed action sequences. Detailed information about the position can be found at:

The position in the group of Stefan Kiebel<> is associated with the DFG-funded CRC 940 'volition and cognitive control' ( The CRC aims at identifying the cognitive and neuronal mechanism, which underlie the volitional control of goal-directed actions as well as its dysfunctions in selected mental disorders.

The candidate will work as a member of a team on computational modelling of goal-directed actions and explaining dynamics in cognitive control in terms of variations in control parameters. In this project, neuroimaging (fMRI and EEG) experiments will be used to test hypotheses derived using advanced Bayesian models of goal-reaching over multiple trials.

With best wishes, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kiebel
Chair of Neuroimaging
Department of Psychology
School of Science
Technische Universität Dresden

01062 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49 (351) 463-43145
Fax:  +49 (351) 463-43147

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