Connectionists: Call for Workshops/Tutorials at Alife XV

Izquierdo, Eduardo J. edizquie at
Mon Nov 16 11:44:00 EST 2015


The ALife XV Organizing Committee invites proposals for Tutorials and Workshops to be held in conjunction with the Fifteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALife XV), which will be held in Cancun, Mexico on July 4th-8th, 2016.<>

If accepted, ALife will provide the onsite logistics (seminar rooms, projectors, coffee breaks, and lunches) and links from the main conference website. All other organizational issues – including separate review process and proceedings publication, if any – are taken care of by the workshop chairs. Therefore, any workshop-specific requests from participants should be exclusively addressed to them, not to the ALife committee. The internal organization of the satellite workshops and tutorials (website, paper submission, invited talks, proceedings, all deadlines except registration) is entirely left up to their respective organizers. Participation in workshops and tutorials requires conference registration.


Submission of Workshop/Tutorial Proposals is open now. We will receive applications until January 15th, 2016. The notification of acceptance will be given within two weeks of receiving the proposal.

Workshop/Tutorial Information and/or submission proposal: workshops at<mailto:workshops at>


The ALife XV workshops are intended to be forums to present and discuss new approaches, visions, or critical reflections within a research area. They provide an excellent opportunity to meet people with similar interests, to be exposed to cutting-edge research and to exchange ideas in an informal setting. The organizers of an accepted workshop are responsible for its coordination and its publicity (e.g., for sending out call for papers/abstracts), for collecting and reviewing the papers/abstracts, and for maintaining a webpage providing a list of accepted talks. The workshops are typically half day long. The format can be decided by the organizers who are encouraged to plan interactive sessions.


ALife XV tutorials will be presented by domain experts to cover current topics relevant to artificial life researchers and practitioners. Each tutorial will be 3 hours long, then we encourage to include into the tutorial also demos and interactive activities. Accepted tutorial’s slide sets will be published on ALife XV website.


Each tutorial/workshop proposal should include:
1) title of the workshop/tutorial
2) name(s) and affiliation(s) of the organizer(s)/inspector(s), with relative contact details
3) a short CV of the organizer(s)/instructor(s)
4) a brief description (half-page) of the workshop/tutorial topics

Only for workshops:
5) potential target participants and audience
6) roughly approximated number of participants
7) rough estimate of the number of talks
All proposals must be sent to: workshops at<mailto:workshops at>
Looking forward to your submissions.

Best wishes,
 Eduardo J. Izquierdo, ALife XV Workshop Chair
 Assistant Professor, Cognitive Science Program, Indiana University
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