Connectionists: PhD position in Autonomous Intelligent Inspection of High Value Engineering Components

Andrea Soltoggio A.Soltoggio at
Wed Nov 11 05:14:11 EST 2015

A PhD position is available in a multi-disciplinary project between the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation in the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, and the Centre for Data Science, in the Computer Science Department, School of Science at Loughborough University, UK.

Research. Inspection robots can be used as a test bed to develop a set of algorithms to recognise and classify defects autonomously. Machine learning, computer vision, time series analysis and deep learning can be deployed to autonomously learn patterns that separate sound from defected components. Initial human supervision will guide the learning so that the robots can progressively improve their analysis and classification accuracy, eventually succeeding in working in complete autonomy, and even recognising new patterns potentially indicating anomalies.

Supervision team:

Dr. Peter Kinnell, Senior Lecturer in Metrology, EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Andrea Soltoggio, Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence, Centre for Data Science, Computer Science Department.

Working environment.  Loughborough University is ranked 11th in the 2016 UK League Table Ranking ( , and is located in Loughborough, a town well connected to London by a 1h20m train journey.

The student, based in the Wolfson School will work in collaboration with the Centre for Data Science in the Computer Science Department (School of Science)  Loughborough University offers cutting-edge computing capabilities with a Hydra High Performance Computing cluster, a 1956-core 64-bit Intel Xeon cluster supplied by Bull, and GPUs computing capabilities.  The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation is a partnership between Loughborough University, Cranfield University, Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Aero Engine Controls, and the Manufacturing Technology Centre

Requirements. The ideal candidate holds (or is about to obtain) a first-class honours undergraduate/postgraduate degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Electrical or Electronic Engineering, or has authored publications in recognised conferences/journals. Independent working skills are valued as well as the capability of working in a team. Collegiality and interpersonal skills are essential. Excellent English language skills are highly desired (see requirements here


Start: January 2016.

Duration: 3 years.

Scholarship (subject to university approval) : £14,057 per annum plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate (currently £4,052 p.a.)

Enquiries and applications.

Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be addressed to Peter Kinnell  P.Kinnell at<mailto:P.Kinnell at> or Andrea Soltoggio (a.soltoggio at<mailto:a.soltoggio at>).

Interested candidates are invited to submit an application at: including a CV, the names and addresses of two referees, and a statement of research interest (maximum 300 words).
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