Connectionists: PhD or Postdoc position in 3D Computer Vision @ Univ. Stuttgart

Marc Toussaint marc.toussaint at
Tue Jun 16 09:50:10 EDT 2015

PhD or Postdoc position in 3D Computer Vision
at the Machine Learning & Robotics Lab, Univ. of Stuttgart

The Machine Learning & Robotics Lab at University of Stuttgart is
recruiting a highly-motivated researcher for PhD or as postdoc. The
research will focus on fundamentals of 3D Perception Systems, with
opportunities for cooperation with Daniel Cremers' lab @ TU Munich, as
well as Andres Bruhn's @ U Stuttgart. Methodologically it will heavily
employ mathematical programming formulations.

Applicants should have strong interest and background in the

* Formulation of 3D Computer Vision tasks (including 3D
   reconstruction, motion-based segmentation, etc) coherently in terms
   of optimization problems
* Strong background in optimization
* Strong experience in scientific coding

On the PhD level, we will love to hire you if you are either a genius
in mathematical programming formulations/methods and can also code, or
a super hero in coding that can easily pick up the necessary maths.

On the postdoc level, we expect a strong publication record on
computer vision methods and experience with optimization-based 3D
perception. For experienced postdocs we have the opportunity to hire
on the highest salery level (Akademischer Rat, E14/A14) for

The positions are started with a 24 months contract and may be
extendable up to 48 months (or indefinitly for A14). Payment will be
according to the German TVL E-13 or E-14/A-14 payment scheme,
depending on the candidate's experience and qualifications.

If interested in the position, please submit complete applications
through the online application form at

If your interested in the job but would like to discuss topics via
Skype, please still submit your documents and drop me an additional
note. The hiring process is continuous: We will consider all
application on the fly. You will hear back from us within a weak and I
am happy to discuss further questions with you once we have your
initial application documents. The position will be filled as soon as

Marc Toussaint, Prof. Dr.
Uni Stuttgart
Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 685 88376

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