Connectionists: How the brain works
Danko Nikolic
danko.nikolic at
Wed May 28 11:09:22 EDT 2014
On 28/05/14 14:27, Juyang Weng wrote:
> What about a primate, an animal, and an inset. How many traverses does
> each have?
They all have three traverses. They are all biological behaving systems.
Let us put it that way:
- A small computer is more adaptive than a gigantic book.
- A small AI system is more adaptive than a gigantic (non AI) computer.
- A small animal is more adaptive than a gigantic AI system (of today).
A human is different from an insect by the amount of cybernetic
knowledge, not by the number of traverses. The total amount of
cybernetic knowledge is called *variety* after Ashby, and is a different
property of the system than is a traverse.
Our total intelligence is a combination of the two: variety + traverses.
We humans are at leading positions at both: we are more adaptive than
any other high-variety system. And we possess more variety than any
other high-traverse system.
That is how we rule the world. For now.
Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić
Mail address 1:
Department of Neurophysiology
Max Planck Institut for Brain Research
Deutschordenstr. 46
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Mail address 2:
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Wolfgang Goethe University
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60433 Frankfurt am Main
Office: (..49-69) 96769-736
Lab: (..49-69) 96769-209
Fax: (..49-69) 96769-327
danko.nikolic at
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