Connectionists: 5th PAVIS School on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing

Vittorio Murino Vittorio.Murino at
Wed May 7 03:20:33 EDT 2014

Apologise for multiple posting

  Call for Participation

  5th PAVIS School on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image

  September 16-18, 2014 - Sestri Levante (GE), Italy


  Invited speakers

  * Antonio TORRALBA, MIT (USA)
  * Agata LAPEDRIZA, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) & MIT (USA)

        JULY 1, 2014 <<<<<
        (see instructions below)

The goal of this school will be to introduce recent advances in scene 
recognition, multiclass object detection and object recognition in 
context. The class will cover global features for scene recognition 
(gist, deep features, …), databases for scene understanding 
(crowdsourcing, image annotation, …), methods for multiclass object 
detection (short summary of object detectionapproaches with emphasis
on multiclass techniques) and current approaches for object recognition 
in context and scene understanding. The theoretical sessions will be 
complemented with guided experiments in MATLAB.

The detailed program of the school will be published later on the school 

  * Interested applicants are invited to send an expression of interest
  * at pavisschool2014 at asking for participation.
  * For PhD candidates please attach a Curriculum vitae and a letter
  * from your supervisor in support to the request.
  * Accepted candidates will receive an email containing the
  * instructions for the actual registration and payment.

  Notice that, due to the limited number of places, applications are
  subject to acceptance, and for this reason, early registrations or
  expressions of interest are encouraged. The attendees are expected to
  bring a laptop with a working version of MATLAB since practical
  experiments will be performed during the school using open source
  libraries such as VLFeat.
  Registration Fees
  - 150 euro for Ph.D. and undergraduate students.
  - 250 euro for post docs, researchers, and other people working in a
  university or a research institute.
  - 300 euro for everybody else.

  Director: 		Vittorio Murino
  Local Organizers: 	Matteo Bustreo
			Carlos Beltran-Gonzalez
			Alessio Del Bue

  School webpage:

  Please, check the website regularly for updated information.

  This school follows a series of intensive courses, targeting PhD
  students and researchers in the areas of Computer Vision, Image
  Processing, and Pattern Recognition. The course is residential,
  spanning 3 days, so that attendees can install a more productive
  interaction with the lecturers.

  It is organized and sponsored by PAVIS (Pattern analysis and Computer
  Vision) department of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova
  (Italy). The course will take place in the beautiful Baia del
  Silenzio in Sestri Levante (, located between
  the city of Genova and the border to Tuscany. The school is
  structured in a such way that attendees can install a more productive
  interaction with the lecturers.

  The school is endorsed by GIRPR (Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in
  Pattern Recognition).

Vittorio Murino

Prof. Vittorio Murino, Ph.D.
PAVIS - Pattern Analysis & Computer Vision

IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego 30
16163 Genova, Italy

Phone:	+39 010 71781 504
Mobile: +39 329 6508554
Fax: +39 010 71781 236
E-mail: vittorio.murino at

Secretary: Sara Curreli
email:	sara.curreli at
Phone: 	+39 010 71781 917


Vittorio Murino

Prof. Vittorio Murino, Ph.D.
PAVIS - Pattern Analysis & Computer Vision

IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Morego 30
16163 Genova, Italy

Phone:	+39 010 71781 504
Mobile: +39 329 6508554
Fax: +39 010 71781 236
E-mail: vittorio.murino at

Secretary: Sara Curreli
email:	sara.curreli at
Phone: 	+39 010 71781 917

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