Connectionists: Fwd: video recordings from the panpsychism workshop (20-21, July, 2014 at Byron Bay) available now!

Naotsugu Tsuchiya naotsu at
Wed Dec 3 02:25:03 EST 2014

Dear list subscribers,

Some of you may find the video recordings from the following conference




Video recordings from the panpsychism workshop (20-21, July, 2014 at Byron
Bay) available now!

Consciousness - here, there, everywhere? The prospects for panpsychism
Sunday 20th and Monday 21st of July 2014

   - Naotsugu Tsuchiya (neuroscience, Monash University)
   - David Chalmers (philosophy, ANU, NYU)
   - Mandyam Srinivasan (neuroscience, U of Queensland)
   - Monica Gagliano (evolutionary biology, U of Western Australia)
   - Yasuo Kuniyoshi (robotics, U of Tokyo)
   - Janet Wiles (engineering, U of Queensland)
   - Larisa Albantakis (neuroscience, U of Wisconsin)
   - Giulio Tononi (neuroscience, U of Wisconsin)

Panpsychism is a meta-theoretical framework, which assumes that the mind is
a fundamental feature of our universe with some degree of consciousness
present in all things. A theme that can be traced back to Western and
Eastern philosophies from Ancient Greece to Mahayana Buddhism, panpsychism
has seen a resurgence in contemporary philosophy and neuroscience as a
potential framework for addressing the hard problem of consciousness.
In late July 2014 the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
re-considered panpsychism at a satellite event complementing their 18th annual

Famous for its sleepy beachside atmosphere on the easternmost tip of
mainland Australia, Byron Bay instead became the epicentre for two days of
heated discussion addressing panpsychism from historical, philosophical,
and neuroscientific viewpoints.

Topics of discussion varied from the perceptual capacity of the honeybee
through Integrated Information Theory and the presence of consciousness in
plants and artificial life. Recordings of several of the key lectures were
taken and have been made available via the Tsuchiya Lab youtube account.
Please join the discussion as we consider what a “radical idea” like
panpsychism may bring to our understanding of consciousness.

Sponsored by Monash University


Nao (Naotsugu) Tsuchiya, Ph.D.
1. Associate Professor
   School of Psychological Sciences
   Faculty of Biomedical and Psychological Sciences, Monash University
2. ARC Future Fellow
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