Connectionists: CFP - MLSB14, the 8th Machine Learning in Systems Biology workshop

Pierre Geurts p.geurts at
Thu Apr 17 17:20:01 EDT 2014

               Call for contributions

     MLSB14, the eighth International Workshop on 
           Machine Learning in Systems Biology


    Organized in conjunction with ECCB 2014
               Strasbourg, France, September 6-7, 2014.

           Submission deadline: June 11, 2014


Molecular biology and all the biomedical sciences are undergoing a
true revolution as a result of the emergence and growing impact of a
series of new disciplines/tools sharing the "-omics" suffix in their
name. These include in particular genomics, transcriptomics,
proteomics and metabolomics, devoted respectively to the examination
of the entire systems of genes, transcripts, proteins and metabolites
present in a given cell or tissue type.

The availability of these new, highly effective tools for biological
exploration is dramatically changing the way one performs research in
at least two respects. First, the amount of available experimental
data is not a limiting factor any more; on the contrary, there is a
plethora of it. Given the research question, the challenge has shifted
towards identifying the relevant pieces of information and making
sense out of it (a "data mining" issue). Second, rather than focus on
components in isolation, we can now try to understand how biological
systems behave as a result of the integration and interaction between
the individual components that one can now monitor simultaneously (so
called "systems biology").

Taking advantage of this wealth of "omics" information has become a
condition sine qua non for whoever ambitions to remain competitive in
molecular biology and in the biomedical sciences in general. Machine
learning naturally appears as one of the main drivers of progress in
this context, where most of the targets of interest deal with complex
structured objects: sequences, 2D and 3D structures or interaction
networks. At the same time bioinformatics and systems biology have
already induced significant new developments of general interest in
machine learning, for example in the context of learning with
structured data, graph inference, semi-supervised learning, system
identification, and novel combinations of optimization and learning

MLSB14, the Eighth International Workshop on Machine Learning in
Systems Biology, is a workshop of the ECCB 2014 conference. It aims to
contribute to the cross-fertilization between the research in machine
learning methods and their applications to systems biology by bringing
together method developers and experimentalists. We are soliciting
submissions bringing forward methods for discovering complex
structures (e.g. interaction networks, molecule structures) and
methods supporting genome-wide data analysis

Please see the workshop website for more details.


We invite you to submit an extended abstract of up to 4 pages in PDF
format describing new or very recently published results. Submissions
will be reviewed by the scientific programme committee. They will be
selected for oral or poster presentation according to their
originality and relevance to the workshop topics.


Submission deadline: June 11, 2014
Author notification: July 15, 2014
Early registration deadline ECCB14: August 2, 2014
Workshop: September 6-7, 2014


Florence d'Alché-Buc (University of Evry, France)
Pierre Geurts (University of Liege, Belgium)


Florence d'Alché-Buc (University of Evry, France)
Markus Heinonen (University of Evry, France)
Pierre Geurts (University of Liege, Belgium)
Vân Anh Huynh-Thu (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Nizar Touleimat (Centre National de génotypage, CEA, Evry, France)


For further information, please contact chairsmlsb2014 at

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