Connectionists: BRAIN RESEARCH - Special Issues on Neural Coding
Chris Christodoulou
cchrist at
Tue Nov 5 13:01:58 EST 2013
Dear colleagues,
We would like to announce a couple of /Brain Research/ Special Issues on
Neural Coding:
/?rain Research/ -- Volume 1536 - 6 November 2013
Available online for download now from:
/Brain Research/ -- Volume 1434 - 24 January 2012
Available online for download from:
The Table of Contents of each one of the issues above can be seen at the
end of this email.
Kind regards,
Chris Christodoulou, Petr Lansky and Jean-Pierre Rospars
/?rain Research/ - Contents -- Volume 1536 - 6 November 2013
Special Issue: Selected papers presented at the Tenth International
Neural Coding Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012
Available online for download now:
Guest Editors ' Foreword
P. Lansky (Czech Republic) , J.-P. Rospars (France) and C. Christodoulou
Selected Articles
The speed of learning instructed stimulus-response association rules in
human: Experimental data and model
G. Bugmann, J. Goslin (United Kingdom) and P. Duchamp-Viret (France)
On the precision of neural computation with interaural level differences
in the lateral superior olive
Z. Bures and P. Marsalek (Czech Republic)
On the haptic nature of the active electric sense of fish
A.A. Caputi , P.A. Aguilera , A. Carolina Pereira and A.
Rodríguez-Cattáneo (Uruguay)
Modeling complex responses of FM-sensitive cells in the auditory
midbrain using a committee machine
T.R. Chang , T.W. Chiu (Taiwan), X. Sun (China) and P.W.F. Poon (Taiwan)
Natural image sequences constrain dynamic receptive fields and imply a
sparse code
C. Häusler , A. Susemihl and M.P. Nawrot (Germany)
Nested theta to gamma oscillations and precise spatiotemporal firing
during memory retrieval in a simulated attractor network
P.A. Herman , M. Lundqvist and A. Lansner (Sweden)
Population coding is essential for rapid information processing in the
moth antennal lobe
R. Kobayashi , S. Namiki , R. Kanzaki , K. Kitano , I. Nishikawa (Japan)
and P. Lansky (Czech Republic)
Measuring input synchrony in the Ornstein -- Uhlenbeck neuronal model
through input parameter estimation
A. Koutsou (Cyprus), J. Kanev (Germany) and C. Christodoulou (Cyprus)
Visual thalamocortical circuits in parvalbumin-deficient mice
A. Lintas , B. Schwaller (Switzerland) and A.E.P. Villa (Switzerland,
Data-driven honeybee antennal lobe model suggests how stimulus-onset
asynchrony can aid odour segregation
T. Nowotny (UK) , J.S. Stierle , C.G. Galizia and P. Szyszka (Germany)
Transmission efficiency in ring, brain inspired neuronal networks.
Information and energetic aspects
B. Paprocki and J. Szczepanski (Poland)
Responses of single neurons and neuronal ensembles in frog first- and
second-order olfactory neurons
J.-P. Rospars (France), P. Sanda , P. Lansky (Czech Republic) and P.
Duchamp-Viret (France)
Modeling neuronal activity in relation to experimental
voltage-/patch-clamp recordings
A. Tchaptchet (Germany), S. Postnova (Australia) , C. Finke , H.
Schneider , M.T. Huber and H.A. Braun (Germany)
Glutamate -- AMPAR interaction in a model of synaptic transmission
F. Ventriglia and V. Di Maio (Italy)
Brain Research - Contents -- Volume 1434 - 24 January 2012
Selected papers presented at the Ninth International Workshop on Neural
Coding, Limassol, Cyprus, 2010
Available online for download from:
C. Christodoulou, P. Lansky, and J.-P. Rospars (Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Brief Introductory Speech by Professor Jose Segundo
A few words a propos of neural coding (also thanks and alleged wisdom)
J. Segundo (USA, Uruguay)
Research Reports
Lateral thinking, from the Hopfield model to cortical dynamics
A. Akrami, E. Russo, and A. Treves (Italy)
Integration and transmission of distributed deterministic neural
activity in feed-forward networks
Y. Asai and A.E.P. Villa (Japan, Switzerland, France)
Viewing strategy of /Cebus/ monkeys during free exploration of natural
D. Berger, A. Pazienti, F.J. Flores, M.P. Nawrot, P.E. Maldonado, and S.
Grün (Germany, Italy, Chile)
Perception of categories: From coding efficiency to reaction times
L. Bonnasse-Gahot and J.-P. Nadal (France)
Transient dynamics between displaced fixed points: An alternate
nonlinear dynamical framework for olfaction
C.L. Buckley and T. Nowotny (UK)
Modeling fast stimulus--response association learning along the
occipito-parieto-frontal pathway following rule instructions
G. Bugmann (UK)
Modeling frequency modulated responses of midbrain auditory neurons
based on trigger features and artificial neural networks
T.R. Chang, T.W. Chiu, X. Sun, and P.W.F. Poon (Taiwan, China)
Encoding electric signals by /Gymnotus omarorum/: Heuristic modeling of
tuberous electroreceptor organs
E.R. Cilleruelo and Á.A. Caputi (Uruguay)
Learning optimisation by high firing irregularity
A. Cleanthous and C. Christodoulou (Cyprus)
Modelling the signal delivered by a population of first-order neurons in
a moth olfactory system
A. Grémiaux, T. Nowotny, D. Martinez, P. Lucasa, and J.-P. Rosparsa
(France, UK)
Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire
neuron using the temporal code
L. Kostal (Czech Republic)
Dopamine deficiency increases synchronized activity in the rat
subthalamic nucleus
A. Lintas, I.G. Silkis, L. Albéri, and A.E.P. Villa (Switzerland,
Canada, Russia, France)
Variability of spike firing during theta-coupled replay of memories in a
simulated attractor network
M. Lundqvist, P. Herman, and A. Lansner (Sweden)
Input-rate modulation of gamma oscillations is sensitive to network
topology, delays and short-term plasticity
M.D. McDonnell, A. Mohan, C. Stricker, and L.M. Ward (Australia, Canada)
Characterising stimulus-specific adaptation using a multi-layer field model
R. Mill, M. Coath, T. Wennekers, and S.L. Denham (UK)
Neural coding in graphs of bidirectional associative memories
A.D. Bouchain and G. Palm (Germany)
Self-terminating wave patterns and self-organized pacemakers in a
phenomenological model of spreading depression
D.E. Postnov, D.D. Postnov, and L. Schimansky-Geier (Russia, Germany)
Cortical attractor network dynamics with diluted connectivity
E.T. Rolls and T.J. Webb (UK)
Information analysis of posterior canal afferents in the turtle,
/Trachemys scripta elegans/
M.H. Rowe and A.B. Neiman (USA)
Detecting dependencies between spike trains of pairs of neurons through
L. Sacerdote, M. Tamborrino, and C. Zucca (Italy, Denmark)
Stochastic interpolation model of the medial superior olive neural circuit
P. Sanda and P. Marsalek (Czech Republic, Germany)
Reciprocal projections in hierarchically organized evolvable neural
circuits affect EEG-like signals
V. Shaposhnyk and A.E.P. Villa (Switzerland, France)
The emergence of connectivity in neuronal networks: From bootstrap
percolation to auto-associative memory
T.S. Turova (Sweden)
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