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Dear colleagues,<br>
We would like to announce a couple of <i>Brain Research</i> Special
Issues on Neural Coding:<br>
<i>Βrain Research</i> -- Volume 1536 - 6 November 2013<br>
Available online for download now from:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1536">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1536</a><br>
<i>Brain Research</i> -- Volume 1434 - 24 January 2012<br>
Available online for download from:<br>
<a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1434">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1434</a><br>
The Table of Contents of each one of the issues above can be seen at
the end of this email.<br>
Kind regards,<br>
Chris Christodoulou, Petr Lansky and Jean-Pierre Rospars<br>
<i>Βrain Research</i> - Contents -- Volume 1536 - 6 November 2013<br>
Special Issue: Selected papers presented at the Tenth International
Neural Coding Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012<br>
Available online for download now:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1536">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1536</a><br>
Guest Editors ’ Foreword<br>
P. Lansky (Czech Republic) , J.-P. Rospars (France) and C.
Christodoulou (Cyprus)<br>
Selected Articles<br>
The speed of learning instructed stimulus-response association rules
in human: Experimental data and model<br>
G. Bugmann, J. Goslin (United Kingdom) and P. Duchamp-Viret (France)<br>
On the precision of neural computation with interaural level
differences in the lateral superior olive<br>
Z. Bures and P. Marsalek (Czech Republic)<br>
On the haptic nature of the active electric sense of fish<br>
A.A. Caputi , P.A. Aguilera , A. Carolina Pereira and A.
Rodríguez-Cattáneo (Uruguay)<br>
Modeling complex responses of FM-sensitive cells in the auditory
midbrain using a committee machine<br>
T.R. Chang , T.W. Chiu (Taiwan), X. Sun (China) and P.W.F. Poon
Natural image sequences constrain dynamic receptive fields and imply
a sparse code<br>
C. Häusler , A. Susemihl and M.P. Nawrot (Germany)<br>
Nested theta to gamma oscillations and precise spatiotemporal firing
during memory retrieval in a simulated attractor network<br>
P.A. Herman , M. Lundqvist and A. Lansner (Sweden)<br>
Population coding is essential for rapid information processing in
the moth antennal lobe<br>
R. Kobayashi , S. Namiki , R. Kanzaki , K. Kitano , I. Nishikawa
(Japan) and P. Lansky (Czech Republic)<br>
Measuring input synchrony in the Ornstein – Uhlenbeck neuronal model
through input parameter estimation<br>
A. Koutsou (Cyprus), J. Kanev (Germany) and C. Christodoulou
Visual thalamocortical circuits in parvalbumin-deficient mice<br>
A. Lintas , B. Schwaller (Switzerland) and A.E.P. Villa
(Switzerland, France)<br>
Data-driven honeybee antennal lobe model suggests how stimulus-onset
asynchrony can aid odour segregation<br>
T. Nowotny (UK) , J.S. Stierle , C.G. Galizia and P. Szyszka
Transmission efficiency in ring, brain inspired neuronal networks.
Information and energetic aspects<br>
B. Paprocki and J. Szczepanski (Poland)<br>
Responses of single neurons and neuronal ensembles in frog first-
and second-order olfactory neurons<br>
J.-P. Rospars (France), P. Sanda , P. Lansky (Czech Republic) and P.
Duchamp-Viret (France)<br>
Modeling neuronal activity in relation to experimental
voltage-/patch-clamp recordings<br>
A. Tchaptchet (Germany), S. Postnova (Australia) , C. Finke , H.
Schneider , M.T. Huber and H.A. Braun (Germany)<br>
Glutamate – AMPAR interaction in a model of synaptic transmission<br>
F. Ventriglia and V. Di Maio (Italy)<br>
Brain Research - Contents -- Volume 1434 - 24 January 2012<br>
Selected papers presented at the Ninth International Workshop on
Neural Coding, Limassol, Cyprus, 2010<br>
Available online for download from:<br>
<a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1434">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00068993/1434</a><br>
C. Christodoulou, P. Lansky, and J.-P. Rospars (Cyprus, Czech
Republic, France)<br>
Brief Introductory Speech by Professor Jose Segundo<br>
A few words a propos of neural coding (also thanks and alleged
J. Segundo (USA, Uruguay)<br>
Research Reports<br>
Lateral thinking, from the Hopfield model to cortical dynamics<br>
A. Akrami, E. Russo, and A. Treves (Italy)<br>
Integration and transmission of distributed deterministic neural
activity in feed-forward networks<br>
Y. Asai and A.E.P. Villa (Japan, Switzerland, France)<br>
Viewing strategy of <i>Cebus</i> monkeys during free exploration of
natural images<br>
D. Berger, A. Pazienti, F.J. Flores, M.P. Nawrot, P.E. Maldonado,
and S. Grün (Germany, Italy, Chile)<br>
Perception of categories: From coding efficiency to reaction times<br>
L. Bonnasse-Gahot and J.-P. Nadal (France)<br>
Transient dynamics between displaced fixed points: An alternate
nonlinear dynamical framework for olfaction<br>
C.L. Buckley and T. Nowotny (UK)<br>
Modeling fast stimulus–response association learning along the
occipito-parieto-frontal pathway following rule instructions<br>
G. Bugmann (UK)<br>
Modeling frequency modulated responses of midbrain auditory neurons
based on trigger features and artificial neural networks<br>
T.R. Chang, T.W. Chiu, X. Sun, and P.W.F. Poon (Taiwan, China)<br>
Encoding electric signals by <i>Gymnotus omarorum</i>: Heuristic
modeling of tuberous electroreceptor organs<br>
E.R. Cilleruelo and Á.A. Caputi (Uruguay)<br>
Learning optimisation by high firing irregularity<br>
A. Cleanthous and C. Christodoulou (Cyprus) <br>
Modelling the signal delivered by a population of first-order
neurons in a moth olfactory system<br>
A. Grémiaux, T. Nowotny, D. Martinez, P. Lucasa, and J.-P. Rosparsa
(France, UK)<br>
Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire
neuron using the temporal code<br>
L. Kostal (Czech Republic) <br>
Dopamine deficiency increases synchronized activity in the rat
subthalamic nucleus<br>
A. Lintas, I.G. Silkis, L. Albéri, and A.E.P. Villa (Switzerland,
Canada, Russia, France)<br>
Variability of spike firing during theta-coupled replay of memories
in a simulated attractor network<br>
M. Lundqvist, P. Herman, and A. Lansner (Sweden)<br>
Input-rate modulation of gamma oscillations is sensitive to network
topology, delays and short-term plasticity<br>
M.D. McDonnell, A. Mohan, C. Stricker, and L.M. Ward (Australia,
Canada) <br>
Characterising stimulus-specific adaptation using a multi-layer
field model<br>
R. Mill, M. Coath, T. Wennekers, and S.L. Denham (UK)<br>
Neural coding in graphs of bidirectional associative memories<br>
A.D. Bouchain and G. Palm (Germany)<br>
Self-terminating wave patterns and self-organized pacemakers in a
phenomenological model of spreading depression<br>
D.E. Postnov, D.D. Postnov, and L. Schimansky-Geier (Russia,
Cortical attractor network dynamics with diluted connectivity<br>
E.T. Rolls and T.J. Webb (UK)<br>
Information analysis of posterior canal afferents in the turtle, <i>Trachemys
scripta elegans</i><br>
M.H. Rowe and A.B. Neiman (USA)<br>
Detecting dependencies between spike trains of pairs of neurons
through copulas<br>
L. Sacerdote, M. Tamborrino, and C. Zucca (Italy, Denmark)<br>
Stochastic interpolation model of the medial superior olive neural
P. Sanda and P. Marsalek (Czech Republic, Germany)<br>
Reciprocal projections in hierarchically organized evolvable neural
circuits affect EEG-like signals<br>
V. Shaposhnyk and A.E.P. Villa (Switzerland, France)<br>
The emergence of connectivity in neuronal networks: From bootstrap
percolation to auto-associative memory<br>
T.S. Turova (Sweden)<br>