Connectionists: CFP: AAAI 2013 Fall Symposium on How Should Intelligence be Abstracted in AI Research: MDPs, Symbolic Representations, Artificial Neural Networks, or _____?

Sebastian Risi sebastian.risi at
Wed Mar 27 14:18:35 EDT 2013

(apologies for multiple posting.)

Call for papers

Dear colleagues,

We invite contributions to our AAAI 2013 Fall Symposium titled “How
Should Intelligence be Abstracted in AI Research: MDPs, Symbolic
Representations, Artificial Neural Networks, or _____?”. Each subfield
of AI has a different perspective on intelligence and unspoken
assumptions about what is critical to recreate it computationally. To
better understand such differences, we aim to bring together a diverse
group of AI researchers interested in discussing and comparing how
intelligence and processes that might create it are abstracted in
various subfields. For example, such discussion may include honest
examination of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches,
and what features of biological intelligence are crucial or
unnecessary to include in algorithms.

We hope to encourage cross-pollination of ideas between researchers
viewing intelligence in different ways (e.g. through the lens of MDPs
or symbolic manipulation) and at  different levels of abstraction
(e.g. biologically-plausible neural simulations or restricted
Boltzmann machines). One goal is to facilitate  revising or creating
new abstractions of intelligence and intelligence-generating
processes. More information can be found here:

Contributions related to how intelligence can or should be abstracted
algorithmically in artificial intelligence research are invited.
Extended abstracts that summarize the results of a research program
along these lines are most welcome, as are personal position papers or
contributions describing speculative work or work in progress. Works
bridging traditionally separate AI paradigms are encouraged.
Participants should be open to inspiration from work and ideas in
other subfields, and be willing to step outside their intellectual
comfort zones.

Interested participants are encouraged to submit extended abstracts
(no more than 2 pages), or full-length papers (up to 6 pages in AAAI
format) in PDF format to sebastian.risi at Accepted
submissions will be published as citable, peer-reviewed papers in the
AAAI technical report.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

- Different levels and types of knowledge representation and reasoning
- Abstractions of the following:
   - Neural networks (e.g. deep learning networks, spiking ANNs, and
plastic ANNs)
   - Learning (e.g. machine learning and reinforcement learning)
   - Biological development (e.g. generative and developmental
systems, and developmental robotics)
   - Evolutionary search (e.g. digital evolution and evolutionary
- Biologically-inspired computation
   - Evolutionary robotics
   - Swarm intelligence
   - Artificial life
- Philosophical arguments on characteristics of appropriate abstractions for

The symposium will be held Friday - Sunday, November 15-17 at the
Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, Virginia (adjacent to
Washington, DC).

** Invited Speakers **
Andrew Ng (Stanford University, USA)
More TBD

** Schedule **
Full Paper/Extended Abstract Submission: May 24, 2013
Notification: June 21, 2013
Final Camera-ready Paper/Extended Abstract: September 12, 2013

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

-- Sebastian Risi, Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune

Dr. Sebastian Risi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Creative Machines Laboratory
Cornell University
Email: sebastian.risi at  Tel: (407) 929-5113

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