Connectionists: Hands-On Workshop on Neuronal Recording and Stimulation, Freiburg, May 28.-29.
Ulrich Hofmann
ulrich.hofmann at
Tue Mar 26 02:48:44 EDT 2013
Following the big success of our last hands-on workshop in Lübeck in December 2012, we invite you to join us for our two-day
Hands-On Workshop on Neuronal Recording and Stimulation on the 28th and 29th of May 2013 in Freiburg, Germany.
We will have access to five different commercial recording setups and will acquire neuronal responses within several in vivo paradigms from anesthetized rodents. It is the goal of this workshop to go beyond single micro electrode recordings and test the most recent developments in multisite microprobes as well.
We consider this workshop to be of high interest to both young researchers in need for early experience in neuronal recording and stimulation and to seasoned electrophysiologists interested in getting first hand experience with the newest technologies.
While the official website will go online beginning of April, some preliminary information can be found under
Participation is limited to 20 persons and we expect it of fill up quickly.
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools (
I look forward seeing your there!
Ulrich G. Hofmann
Prof. Dr. rer.nat.
Peter-Osypka-Professor for
Neuroelectronic Systems
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Department for Neurosurgery
Engesserstr. 4, 79108 Freiburg,
Tel: +49.761.270 50076
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