Connectionists: NOLTA, IEICE Journal: Special Section on Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications

Hiroo SEKIYA sekiya at
Tue Sep 18 05:40:40 EDT 2012

[Apologies for multiple copies]

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider to submit your paper to Special Section on
"Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications", NOLTA, IEICE
Journal, JAPAN.

The call for papers is attached below.
Important Date:
Submission deadline: January 10, 2013
Publication Date: October, 2013

Best regards,
Hiroo Sekiya
Chiba University, JAPAN


Special Section on Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its
Applications, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), The
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)

  We are pleased to announce the special section of IEICE's journal,
"Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE" to be published in
October, 2013. The major part of this issue will consist of the special
section focusing on recent progress in the field of nonlinear theory and
its applications.
  The topics of interest within the scope of this Special Section
include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Chaos and Bifurcations		Chaotic Neural Networks
Circuits and Systems		Oscillations
Cellular Neural Networks	Self-Validating Numerics
Synchronization			Learning and Memory
Modeling and Simulations	Coupled Oscillators
Prediction and Identification	Large-Scale Networks
Communications			Image and Signal Processing
Analog and Digital ICs		Chua's Circuits
Neuro Dynamics			Distributed Networks
Control				Evolutionary Computation
Power Systems			Complex Systems
Optimization			Robotics
Fractals			Fuzzy
Optics				Solitons
Biocybernetics			Chemistry
Applied Mathematics		Economics
Physics				Biomedical Data Processing
Biomedical Engineering		Bioinformatics
Complex Networks		Computational Neuroscience
Social Dynamics

The submitted papers are edited by the Editorial Committee of the
Special Section. The DEADLINE of the paper submission is JANUARY 10, 2013.

Prospective authors are requested to follow carefully the submission
process described below:

(1) Prepare manuscripts according to the guidelines described in the web
  The LATEX style file and template file can be downloaded from this page.
Papers do not usually exceed 30 pages of an A4-sized PDF file.

(2) Submit manuscripts through the IEICE paper submission system at:
  Authors should choose "[Special-EN] Recent Progress in Nonlinear
Theory and Its Applications"as a "Type of Issue (Section) /
Transactions" on the line screen. Do not choose "[Regular-EN]".

(3) Send "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" and
"Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration" by E-mail, FAX or postal
mail to the following address:

 Hiroo Sekiya,
 Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science,
 Chiba University,

 Yayoi-cho 1--33, Inage-ku, Chiba, 263--8522, Japan
 E-mail: sekiya at
 FAX: +81-43-290-3258 (please attach a cover sheet indicating the
sender's name)
The article charges until 30 pages:
 - One of the authors is a member of IEICE : 60,000 JPY
 - Otherwise : 65,000 JPY

  Please do not forget to send "Copyright Transfer and Article Charge
Agreement" and "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration" January
10, 2013.
  We cannot start the review process without them, even if we receive
the manuscript.

For additional guidelines on manuscript preparation, please visit the
following site:

Both members and nonmembers of IEICE are invited to submit manuscript.
However, we recommend that authors unaffiliated with IEICE apply for

Guest Editors:

Claudio Mirasso (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Tohru Ikeguchi (Saitama University)

Guest Associate Editors:

Yanne Chembo (FEMTO-ST Institute)
Ingo Fischer (IFISC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas)
Daniele Fournier (INSA-DGEI)
Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City University)
Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo (Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya)
Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo University of Science)
Masayuki Kimura (Shiga Prefecture University)
Hiroyuki Kitajima (Kagawa University)
Kunihiko Mitsubori (Takushoku University)
Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Marco Storace (University of Genova)
Satoshi Sunada (Kanazawa University)
Yoshihiko Susuki (Kyoto University)
Peter Szolgay (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Ljiljana Trajkovic (Simon Fraser University)
Akio Tsuneda (Kumamoto University)
Atsushi Uchida (Saitama Universiy)
Kazuyuki Yoshimura (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)

Associate Editors of NOLTA, IEICE:

Shinji Doi (Kyoto University)
Orla Feely (University College Dublin)
Yoshihiko Horio (Tokyo Denki University)
Takehiko Horita (Osaka Prefecture University)
Heinz Koeppl (EPFL)
Keiji Konishi (Osaka Prefecture University)
Fabio Pareschi (University of Ferrara)
Isao Tokuda (Ritsumeikan University)
Hiroyuki Torikai (Osaka University)
Chi K. Tse (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Chai Wah Wu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Secretaries of the Special Section:
Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba University)

Hiroo SEKIYA, Ph. D
Chiba University, JAPAN
Phone & Fax: +81-43-290-3258
E-mail: sekiya at

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