Connectionists: Brain-Mind Magazine: Vol. 1, No. 2

Juyang Weng weng at
Sun Oct 7 17:34:34 EDT 2012

Brain-Mind Magazine
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012

Table of Contents

Editorial: Consciousness, Peer Review and More 

Two Conscious Minds in the Same Brain? Split Brains and the Alien-Hand 
2 - 4
by /Gonzalo Munevar /
*Abstract: *It is not uncommon, even for distinguished investigators in 
neuroscience, to believe that two independent consciousness, two minds, 
may exist side by side in split-brain patients. A split-brain patient is 
a severe epileptic whose corpus callosum -- the structure that connects 
the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex -- has been 
severed. This belief arose in great part because some split-brain 
patients have been afflicted by the "alien-hand syndrome," in which the 
patient, say, would reach for an object with his right hand, only to 
have the left hand block or undo the action. This fascinating 
possibility of two minds in the same brain is undermined, however, by 
more recent understanding of how a cerebral structure called the 
supplementary motor area selects and inhibits plans for action 
(developed in the premotor cortex). Nevertheless, explaining the true 
cause of alien-hand syndrome can be fascinating in its own right.

Brain Stories 2: Bonds and Feuds 
5 - 7
by /Brian N. Huang /
*Abstract: *A brain forms founds based on long-time accumulation of 
experience. When it was forced to choose friend and foe, the brain does 
so based on past personal experience. There is no absolute right or 
wrong. A brain is prone to bounds and feuds because of dopamine and 
serotonin modulation to the brain circuits. I present my personal 
stories that look childish from the view of a third person. However, 
stories of similar nature are taking place everywhere, from individuals 
to nations.

IEEE TPAMI Banned Neural Network Approaches 
8 - 10
by /Christopher S. Masfis /
/*Abstract: *Consider the established convention of scientific journals 
and the checks-and-balances of power in scientific publications.Is it a 
healthy practice for a problem-oriented journal to ban a particular 
category of approaches to its problems? This article reports an instance.
A Theoretical Proof Bridged the Two AI Schools but a Major AI Journal 
Desk-Rejected It 
11 - 12
by /Christopher S. Masfis /
*Abstract: *Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches fall into two 
schools, symbolic and connectionist, although a hybrid is possible. In 
each school, there have been many published theoretical models and 
experimental results. Inspired by the brain-like information processing, 
a theoretical proof established that all the models in these two schools 
are tightly related, via a mature automata theory well known in computer 
science. This predicted how the brain uses the best of the both schools. 
A major AI journal desk-rejected the submissions stating "without the 
possibility of further resubmission".

The 2nd Open Letter to the US President Obama: Why US Should Be Friendly 
with Every Government? 
13 - 15
by /Juyang Weng /
*Abstract: *All minds are not only groupish in nature, but also 
partially blind because of a lack of experience and knowledge. For US 
national interest, the US government should make friends with every 
government, not to isolate any imaginary or real rivals in peaceful 
competition. I submit brain-inspired reasons.

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