Connectionists: Assistant Professor Opening in Cognitive Neuroscience/Brain Imaging at Rutgers University-Newark Neuroscience

Mark A. Gluck gluck at
Fri Jul 6 17:44:44 EDT 2012

The Center for Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience  (CMBN) at Rutgers 
University-Newark has an opening for a tenure-track Assistant 
candidate is someone who uses brain imaging to ask fundamental 
hypothesis-driven questions about brain structure and function. We 
are particularly interested in candidates who use imaging in 
combination with other methods such as behavioral methods, animal 
research, neurocomputational modeling, genetics, and/or clinical 
patient studies. 

The applicant would be expected to be an active member of the Rutgers 
Brain Imaging Center (RUBIC) and use our new 
NSF-funded research-dedicated Siemens 3T TRIO magnet located on the 
ground floor of the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience 
in Newark. This facility can also be used for animal imaging.

We seek a candidate who will interact well with a diverse community 
of neuroscientists including molecular, systems, behavioral, and 
cognitive neuroscientists. The candidate will be expected to 
contribute to undergraduate research training and teach graduate 
courses in neuroscience, mentor Ph.D. students in our Behavioral and 
Neural Sciences graduate program, and maintain an active 
externally-funded research program. Women and members of 
underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply; 
Rutgers-Newark is noted for its exceptionally diverse student 

Although not required, a candidate who has current and transportable 
external funding is preferred. 

For more information on neuroscience at Rutgers-Newark 
see Additional 
information on our brain imaging center is 
at .

Applicants should apply as soon as possible, but preferably no later 
than September 15th, 2012.

To apply, please create four PDF files: 

(1) Cover letter summarizing (a) past training, (b) future research 
and professional goals, (c) past honors, grants, and fellowship 
awards, current external grant awards with start and end dates, and 
plans for future grant submissions, (d) why you are a good fit for 
Rutgers/CMBN and visa versa, (e) names, affiliations, and email 
addresses of three people whom you have contacted for letters of 
recommendation, and (f) a one sentence precis of research interest 
and activities, 
(2) C.V., 
(3) Research Statement, 
(4) One representative first-authored paper. 

These four files should be emailed as PDF attachments 
to mri at with a header: 
    "<Candidate's last name, first name>. Cog Neuro Faculty Application". 

In addition, all applicants should arrange for at least three letters 
of recommendation to be emailed directly to the same email address, 
with a header that reads: 
    "<Candidate's last name, first name>: Recommendation from 
<Reviewer's last name, first name>.



Dr. Mark A. Gluck,  Professor 
   Director, Rutgers Memory Disorders Project 
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience                           
Rutgers University                                 Phone:  (973) 353-3668/3298
197 University Ave.                                    
Newark, New Jersey  07102                   Email:  gluck at

   Memory Loss & Brain Newsletter:

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