Connectionists: Biophysics and Computation in Neurons and Networks Summer Course

Carlos Brody brody at
Thu Feb 23 11:47:14 EST 2012


Biophysics and Computation

in Neurons and Networks

Directors: David W. Tank and Michael Berry, Princeton University

Course Date: June 17 – July 14, 2012

Location: Princeton University

Application Deadline: April 1, 2012

Application Forms:

This new course, supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, targets  
students with training in the physical sciences, mathematics or  
engineering who seek an introduction to the concepts and research  
methodologies of modern neuroscience. No previous training in biology  
is required. Topics covered will range from cellular biophysics to  
systems neuroscience, including particularly imaging methods for the  
study of single neurons, networks of neurons and human brain dynamics  
during execution of behavioral computations. The course will be unique  
in its focus on neural dynamics at several scales of complexity –  
cells, circuits, intact brains – and the combination of didactic  
lectures and laboratory exercises, including cellular biophysics,  
synaptic interactions and plasticity in neuronal networks, and fMRI  
imaging of targeted brain regions in human subjects. The capstone of  
this course will be one-week student-designed research projects  
integrating concepts and methodologies encountered during the initial  
formal lectures and laboratory exercises. Course work will include  
morning lectures and tutorials and laboratory exercises selected to  
complement and extend the themes presented in morning lectures.

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