Connectionists: faculty position, Modeling of Cognitive Processes

Klaus Obermayer oby at
Tue Feb 21 08:53:46 EST 2012

             Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
  School for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Fakultaet IV)
                        Technische Universitaet Berlin

Applications are solicited for the post of a

         Professor for "Modeling of Cognitive Processes" (tenured)

                            salary grade W2 / W3

corresponding to an associate (W2) or a full (W3) professor position. The
department encourages both senior scientists and scientists, who are still
earlier in their career, to apply.

The successful candidate will join the faculty of the Bernstein Center for
Computational Neuroscience Berlin (cf. as well as the
School for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Fakultaet IV, cf. of the Berlin University of Technology.

She/he is expected to conduct collaborative research in the area of "Modeling of
Cognitive Processes". She/he will join the teaching efforts within the Master/PhD
program in Computational Neuroscience of the Bernstein Center as well as within
the departmental graduate programs in electrical engineering and computer science
in abovementioned area. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the
department's undergraduate teaching programs. She/he shall also be open for
scientific collaborations with the department's engineering-oriented research
groups, for example in the areas machine learning, computer vision, intelligent
agents, or robotics.

Candidates must meet the requirements of the Berlin Higher Education Act (Par. 100
BerlHG). These requirements include a completed university degree or PhD, the
Habilitation or equivalent achievements, educational and didactic competences.
More detailed information are available on request; strong research experience in
the field of "Modeling of Cognitive Processes". Additional experience in one
application domain (intelligent agents, cognitive robotics, human-machine systems,
etc.) and a solid track record in the acquisition of research grants are
desirable. Contact person for more information: Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer, E-Mail:
oby at, Tel. +49 (0) 30 314-73120 or -73442.

To ensure equal opportunities between men and women, applications from women with
the respective qualifications are explicitly encouraged. Handicapped applicants
with the same qualifications are preferred.

Please send your written application (including CV, publication list, teaching
experience, research statement) inside by four weeks with the job reference number
IV-55 to:

                 Praesident der Technischen Universitaet Berlin
                         Dean of School IV,  Sekr. FR 5-1
                              Franklinstrasse 28/29
                              10587 Berlin, Germany

Please send only copies and not original documents, as they will not be returned.
This description is also available at

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