Connectionists: 2 new papers on Hebbian learning
padams at
Sun Oct 18 11:32:19 EDT 2009
Dear Colleagues - Recently, it has been shown that biological Hebbian
plasticity (e.g. ltp) is not completely synapse-specific. We would like to
draw your attention to our 2 new papers examining the effect of such minor
inaccuracy in 2 simple neural net learning paradigms, PCA and ICA. For the
linear (PCA) learning rule, inaccuracy produces graceful degradation, but
for nonlinear (ICA) rules it can have a catastrophic effect. We propose
that a critical learning problem in the brain is achieving the necessary
(but likely synaptically impossible) extraordinary accuracy. Citations and
abstracts follow.
1. Radulescu, A., Cox, K., and Adams, P. (2009). Hebbian errors in
learning: an analysis using the Oja model. J. Theor. Biol. 258, 489-501
"Recent work on long term potentiation in brain slices shows that Hebb's
rule is not completely synapse-specific, probably due to intersynapse
diffusion of calcium or other factors. We previously suggested that such
errors in Hebbian learning might be analogous to mutations in evolution.
We examine this proposal quantitatively, extending the classical Oja
unsupervised model of learning by a single linear neuron to include
Hebbian inspecificity. We introduce an error matrix E, which expresses
possible crosstalk between updating at different connections. When there
is no inspecificity, this gives the classical result of convergence to the
first principal component of the input distribution (PC1). We show the
modified algorithm converges to the leading eigenvector of the matrix EC,
where C is the input covariance matrix. In the most biologically plausible
case when there are no intrinsically privileged connections, E has
diagonal elements Q and off-diagonal elements (1-Q)/(n-1), where Q, the
quality, is expected to decrease with the number of inputs n and with a
synaptic parameter b that reflects synapse density, calcium diffusion,
etc. We study the dependence of the learning accuracy on b, n and the
amount of input activity or correlation (analytically and
computationally). We find that accuracy decreases (learning becomes
gradually less useful) with increases in b, particularly for intermediate
(i.e., biologically realistic) correlation strength, although some useful
learning always occurs up to the trivial limit Q=1/n. We discuss the
relation of our results to Hebbian unsupervised learning in the brain.
When the mechanism lacks specificity, the network fails to learn the
expected, and typically most useful, result, especially when the input
correlation is weak. Hebbian crosstalk would reflect the very high density
of synapses along dendrites, and inevitably degrades learning."
2 Cox K.J.A. and Adams P.R. (2009) Hebbian crosstalk prevents
nonlinear unsupervised learning. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 3:1-20 2009
"Learning is thought to occur by localized, activity-induced changes in
the strength of synaptic connections between neurons. Recent work has
shown that activity-dependent changes at one connection can affect changes
at others ("crosstalk"). We studied the role of such crosstalk in
nonlinear Hebbian learning using a neural network implementation of
Independent Components Analysis (ICA). We find that there is a sudden
qualitative change in the performance of the network at a threshold
crosstalk level and discuss the implications of this for nonlinear
learning from higher-order correlations in the neocortex."
Comments and feedback welcome
- Paul Adams and Kingsley Cox
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