Connectionists: COLT 2010 - Preliminary Call for Papers
Mehryar Mohri
mohri at
Thu Oct 15 13:51:18 EDT 2009
COLT 2010 - Call for Papers
The 23rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2010) will take
place in Haifa, Israel, on June 27-29, 2010 and will be co-located
with ICML 2010. We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical
aspects of machine learning and empirical inference. We strongly
support a broad definition of learning theory, including:
Analysis of learning algorithms and their generalization ability
Computational complexity of learning
Bayesian analysis
Statistical mechanics of learning systems
Optimization procedures for learning
Kernel methods
Inductive inference
Boolean function learning
Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning and clustering
On-line learning and relative loss bounds
Learning in planning and control, including reinforcement learning
Learning in games, multi-agent learning
Mathematical analysis of learning in related fields, e.g., game
theory, natural language processing, neuroscience, bioinformatics,
privacy and security, machine vision, data mining, information retrieval
We are also interested in papers that include viewpoints that are new
to the COLT community. We welcome experimental and algorithmic papers
provided they are relevant to the focus of the conference by
elucidating theoretical results in learning. Also, while the primary
focus of the conference is theoretical, papers can be strengthened by
the inclusion of relevant experimental results.
Papers that have previously appeared in journals or at other
conferences, or that are being submitted to other conferences, are not
appropriate for COLT. Papers that include work that has already been
submitted for journal publication may be submitted to COLT, as long as
the papers have not been accepted for publication by the COLT
submission deadline (conditionally or otherwise) and that the paper is
not expected to be published before the COLT conference (June 2010).
Feedback on Review Quality
There will be no rebuttal phase this year. However, authors will be
given the opportunity to assess the quality of reviews and provide
feedback to the reviewers, after the decisions have been made. These
assessments will be used in particular to determine the Best Reviewer
award (see below).
Paper and Reviewer Awards
This year, COLT will award both best paper and best student paper
awards. Best student papers must be authored or coauthored by a
student. Authors must indicate at submission time if they wish their
paper to be eligible for a student award. This does not preclude the
paper to be eligible for the best paper award.
To further emphasize the importance of the reviewing quality, this
year, COLT will also award a best reviewer award to the reviewer who
has provided the most insightful and useful comments.
Open Problems Session
We also invite submission of open problems (see separate call). These
should be constrained to two pages. There is a shorter reviewing
period for the open problems. Accepted contributions will be allocated
short presentation slots in a special open problems session and will
be allowed two pages each in the proceedings.
Paper Format and Electronic Submission Instructions
Formatting and submission instructions will be available in early
December at the conference website.
Important Dates
Preliminary call for papers issued October 15, 2009
Electronic submission of papers (due by 5:59pm PST) February 19, 2010
Electronic submission of open problems March 13, 2010
Notice of acceptance or rejection May 07, 2010
Submission of final version May 21, 2010
Feedback on reviews due May 28, 2010
Joint ICML/COLT workshop day June 25, 2010
2010 COLT conference June 27-29, 2010
Program Co-chairs:
Adam Tauman Kalai (Microsoft Research)
Mehryar Mohri (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Google
Program Committee:
Shivani Agarwal
Mikhail Belkin
Shai Ben-David
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi
Ofer Dekel
Steve Hanneke
Jeff Jackson
Sham Kakade
Vladimir Koltchinskii
Katrina Ligett
Phil Long
Gabor Lugosi
Ulrike von Luxburg
Yishay Mansour
Ryan O’Donnell
Massimiliano Pontil
Robert Schapire
Rocco Servedio
John Shawe-Taylor
Shai Shalev-Shwartz
Gilles Stoltz
Ambuj Tewari
Jenn Wortman Vaughan
Santosh Vempala
Manfred Warmuth
Robert Williamson
Thomas Zeugmann
Tong Zhang
Local Arrangements Chair:
Shai Fine (IBM Research Haifa)
Invited speakers
Prof. Noga Alon - School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Noam Nisan - School of Computer Science and Engineering, The
Hebrew University Jerusalem
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