Connectionists: faculty positions, theoretical and computational neuroscience
Klaus Obermayer
oby at
Thu Dec 3 07:09:46 EST 2009
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin
Applications are invited for three faculty positions.
full professorship
Mathematical Stochastics - Stochastic Processes in Neuroscience
associate professorship (tenure track)
Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics
Junior Research Group Leader (4 1/2 yrs.)
Nonlinear Dynamics and Control in Neuroscience
Application deadline: January 31st, 2010
For a detailled description see the text appended below.
The Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and the
Technische Universität Berlin (School of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Institute for Theoretical Physics) invite
applications for the position of a
University professor - salary grade W3
Mathematical Stochastics - Stochastic Processes in Neuroscience
Faculty II - Institute for Mathematics
Reference number: II-847
The successful candidate shall develop mathematical techniques
for the analysis of nonlinear stochastic systems, stochastic
delay-differential equations, and stochastic networks and apply
those techniques to understand the dynamics of noisy neural
systems, ranging from single neurons and small neural circuits
to large networks. The successful candidate is expected to
forge links between the computationally and experimentally
oriented research groups of the Bernstein Center for
Computational Neuroscience Berlin (,
the Institutes for Mathematics of the Technische Universität
(, and the DFG
Research Center in Applied Mathematics
The successful candidate is expected to join the teaching
faculty of the International Master-/PhD-program in
Computational Neuroscience
(, the Master/PhD-
program of the Berlin Mathematical School
(, and of the teaching programs of
the Institute of Mathematics of the Technische Universität.
For more information about the position, please contact Prof.
Dr. Klaus Obermayer (oby at or Prof. Dr. Michael
Scheutzow (ms at
Applications containing the usual documents (CV, list of
publications, certificates) and the job reference number should
be submitted both in paper and electronic form (pdf-file) by
January 31st, 2010
to the Präsident der Technischen Universität Berlin, Fakultät II
- Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Sekretariat MA 4-1,
Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany,
ring at Please send only copies and not
originals of documents, as they will not be returned by mail.
Candidates must meet the requirements of the Berlin Higher
Education Act (§ 100 BerlHG, more de-tailed information
available on request). To ensure equal opportunity between men
and women, applications from women with the respective
qualifications are explicitly desired. Handicapped applicants
with the same qualifications are preferred.
The vacancy is also available in the internet at
The Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences I at Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin in cooperation with the Bernstein Center
for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN Berlin) invites
applications for a
W2-Professorship for Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics
(tenure track)
to be established at the Department of Physics with an
appointment for 5 years. After 4 years the decision for a
permanent appointment at the Department of Physics will be
The appointee is expected to develop theoretical techniques for
the analysis of complex neural systems. The research focus will
be the understanding of how properties of the constituting
neural elements (synapses, neurons) can have an impact on the
emergent properties of complex neural systems like in the intact
brain. The professorship is expected to extend links between the
computationally and experimentally oriented research groups of
the Bernstein Center with those of the Departments of Physics
and Computer Science.
The candidates should have a convincing record in the area of
statistical physics and/or nonlinear dynamics with specialization
in the dynamics of neural systems. The candidate should be open
for an active collaboration with research groups at the
Department of Physics also in other fields. The appointee will be
actively teaching in the master program on "Computational
Neuroscience" as well as in the basic bachelor courses in
theoretical physics and in the master program on macromolecules
and complex systems at the Department of Physics.
Applicants are invited to submit their applications by
January, 31st, 2010.
The material should be sent in written form to Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin, Dekan der Mathematisch-
Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät I, Prof. Dr. Schön (Sitz:
Newtonstr. 14), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany,
by referring to code number PR/026/09 as well as in electronic
form to
Application materials will not be returned. Therefore,
applicants are requested to send only copies of the documents.
Applicants must meet the requirements for a university professor
as stipulated in § 100 of the Berliner Hochschulgesetz. Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin seeks to increase the number of female
employees in research and teaching and thus, in particular
invites qualified female scientists to apply for this vacant
position. Physically handicapped persons will be preferred, if
they are equally qualified.
The Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and the
Technische Universität Berlin (School of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Institute for Theoretical Physics) invite
applications for the position of a
Junior Research Group Leader - salary level Ia BAT
Nonlinear Dynamics and Control in Neuroscience
Faculty II - Inst. for Theoretical Physics
Reference number: FO-215
The position is for 4 1/2 years.
The successful candidate is expected to set up a research
agenda in mathematical neuroscience establishing links
between the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
(, the Institutes for
Theoretical Physics (
institut_fuer_theoretische_physik/parameter/en/) and
Mathematics, and the DFG Research Center in Applied
Mathematics ( Research topics may
include (but are not restricted to) the nonlinear dynamics
and control of neural circuits and cortical network models,
delayed-coupled systems, neural coding, stochastic dynamical
systems, or pattern formation and nonlinear excitation waves
in neural systems. Advanced mathematical techniques should
be newly developed or extended, should be made available to
the computational neuroscience community, and should be
oriented towards practical applications - ideally together
with the experimental and clinical partners of the Bernstein
Center Berlin.
Successful candidates should hold a doctoral degree in
Physics or Mathematics. Candidates should have an excellent
track-record in theoretical physics in the fields of
non-linear dynamics and computational neuroscience. The
successful candidate is also expected to join the teaching
faculty of the Institute´s Master-/PhD-programs
( as well
as the Master-/PhD-program of the Bernstein Center
For more information about the position please contact Prof.
Dr. Schöll (schoell at
Please send your written application both in paper and
electronic form (pdf) with the job reference number and
with the appropriate documents by
January 31st, 2010
to the Präsident der Technischen Universität Berlin, Faculty
II, Inst. of Theoretical Physics, Prof. Dr. Schöll, Sekr.
EW 7-1, Hardenbergstraße 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany;
schoell at Please send only copies and not
originals of documents, as they will not be returned by mail.
To ensure equal opportunity between men and women,
applications from women with the respective qualifications
are explicitly desired. Handicapped applicants with the same
qualifications are preferred. The vacancy is also available
in the internet at
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