Connectionists: Doctoral research studentship available at Sussex University
Anil Seth
a.k.seth at
Fri Aug 21 14:18:18 EDT 2009
*Self-modelling for Control, Cognition, and Consciousness*
*Closing date for applications: September 14th 2009
Expected start date: October 1st 2009*
Funding is available from Autumn 2009 for a full-time DPhil (PhD) in the
area of self-modelling for control, cognition, and consciousness,
supervised by Prof. Owen Holland and Dr. Anil Seth. The studentship is
part of the EU FP7 project ECCEROBOT: Embodied Cognition in a
Compliantly Engineered Robot (
<>). Self-modelling, particularly of the body,
is a powerful strategy for controlling the movements and actions of
natural and artificial embodied agents. It is also involved at many
levels in the development and functioning of cognition, and plays a role
in several theories of consciousness. We are seeking a research student
to investigate and demonstrate the use of self-modelling for control and
cognition in a sophisticated humanoid robot, and to extend the approach
in the direction of functions associated with consciousness. For more
details, and for instructions on how to apply, see
Anil Seth, D.Phil.
Reader, EPSRC Leadership Fellow,
Dept of Informatics, University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ, UK
W:, T: +44 1273 678549,
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