Connectionists: PostDoc & PhD Position in Computer Vision - University of Heidelberg, GER
Björn Ommer
ommer at
Wed Aug 19 08:53:07 EDT 2009
PostDoc & PhD Position in Computer Vision at the University of Heidelberg
The Computer Vision group at the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image
Processing (HCI) headed by Prof. Björn Ommer has an opening for a fully
funded PostDoc and PhD position. We are seeking applicants with a strong
interest in performing cutting edge research in a very active and
exciting research area. We work in the attractive surroundings of the
HCI, which is part of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific
Computing (IWR) at the University of Heidelberg. The mission of the HCI
is to conduct basic research with the aim of providing innovative
solutions to basic image analysis and computer vision problems. We are
also integrated within the interdisciplinary research area Transcultural
Studies in the Humanities.
The open positions are situated within the group's core research area of
Visual Object Recognition and provide opportunities for fundamental and
interdisciplinary research. The research topics are in the field of
category-level recognition with particular emphasis on shape analysis.
The primary application area of this work will be in gesture
classification for which we have gathered novel, comprehensive datasets.
The PostDoc salary is TV-L13 for one year with an optional extension of
up to two more years. The PhD salary is equivalent to TV-L13 3/4 with
adequate supervision and support to enable completion of the thesis
within 3 years.
Ideal candidates will have an excellent degree (Diploma, M.Sc. or
equivalent for the PhD position; PhD for the PostDoc position) in
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or a
related field. They will have a strong mathematical background, solid
programming experience in C++ and Matlab, and above all a strong
motivation and desire to learn. Prior experience in computer vision and
machine learning is desired and fluency in English is required (both
written and spoken).
If you are interested in joining a young and dynamic group to pursue
exciting research that has impact within and beyond your direct field of
research then please send your complete application (including
motivation letter, complete curriculum vitae, score records, and a
recommendation letter or names of two academic references) until October
15, 2009 by Email. The screening process will already start before this
deadline, so early submissions are strongly encouraged.
Email: bjoern [dot] ommer [at] iwr [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de
Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI)
Universität Heidelberg
Speyerer Strasse 6
D-69115 Heidelberg
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