Connectionists: Vacancies, University of Cambridge - Lectureship, PDRAs, PhD Studentships
A.Garay-Arevalo at
Tue Oct 28 09:46:18 EDT 2008
Dear All,
The Cambridge Statistics Initiative, based out of the Statistical
Laboratory of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
Statistics, has several new positions available. Please apply to the
below-mentioned contacts for each position.
University of Cambridge
University Lectureship in Statistics
Salary: £34,793- £44,074
Vacancy Reference: LF04213
Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in Statistics, to be
held in the Statistical Laboratory and filled by 1 September 2009, or by
negotiation. Information about the Laboratory can be found at .
Appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the scale for
University Lecturers and will be until the retiring age, but will be
subject to an initial probationary period of five years.
Applications should be sent in hard copy or by email to Professor R. R.
Weber, Director, Statistical Laboratory, Department of Pure Mathematics &
Mathematical Statistics, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WB (fax: (01223)
337956; email: vacancies at, and should include a full
curriculum vitae, email address, list of publications and the names and
email addresses of three academic referees, and should be accompanied by a
completed form PD18 Parts I and III (downloadable from here ). Applicants
should ask their referees to email/post letters directly to the Director,
to reach him by the closing date.
Further particulars are available at
Closing date: 28 November 2008.
University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Research Associates
Salary: £25,888-£33,780 pa
Vacancy Reference LF04215
Limit of Tenure applies*
Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Research Associate positions in
Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory and to commence on a
date to be negotiated. Information about the Laboratory can be found at . These research posts, which are available for
between two and three years, are associated with a major expansion of
personnel and activities in core statistical methodology and its
Appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the scale for Research
Applications should be sent in hard copy or by email to Professor R. R.
Weber, Director, Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3
0WB (fax (01223) 337956; email vacancies at, and should
include full curriculum vitae, email address, list of publications and the
names and email addresses of two academic referees, and should be
accompanied by a completed PD18 Part I and III (downloadable from here ).
Applicants should ask their referees to email/post letters directly to the
Director, to reach him by the closing date.
Further particulars are available at .
*Limit of tenure: 2-3 years
Closing Date: 28 November 2008
University of Cambridge
PhD Studentships in Statistics
Vacancy Reference No: LF04227
Limit of tenure applies*
Applications are invited for PhD studentships in Statistics, to be held in
the Statistical Laboratory. The Studentships are associated with the
Cambridge Statistics Initiative which is targeted at the development of
novel statistical methodology, both generic and in specific application
areas. Information about the Laboratory can be found at .
The studentships will provide funding to cover fees at the home/EU rate.
Additional funding for fees for those paying the overseas arts rate could
be available and will be assessed competitively. A stipend will be paid of
at least the equivalent to the national minimum (£13290 for the academic
year 2009/10) for a minimum period of 3 years.
Supervision, along with research training tailored to the needs of the
student, will be provided by the Laboratory. Research interests of
academic staff can be found here .
Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD course at the University
of Cambridge. They should normally hold (or expect to be awarded) a first
class UK honours degree or equivalent and a postgraduate qualification in
Mathematics or Statistics.
Initial enquiries, which should include a curriculum vitae and an
indication of possible research topics, should be directed to Professor
A.P. Dawid.
* Limit of tenure: 3 years
Closing date: 31 January 2009.
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