Connectionists: Call for papers for the IJNS special issue "Advances in the neurodynamics of cortical interactions"

Nikolay Manyakov NikolayV.Manyakov at
Tue Oct 28 05:36:14 EDT 2008

----           Apologies for cross-posting             ----

Call for papers for the special issue:
"Advances in the neurodynamics of cortical interactions"

International Journal of Neural Systems
Editor-in-Chief: Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University, USA, Adeli.1 at

Special Issue editors:
Marc M. Van Hulle, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, marc.vanhulle at
Milan Palus, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Dennis J McFarland, Wadsworth Laboratories, USA

Deadline: December 31, 2008

The special issue invites original contributions in either theory,
algorithms or methods for estimating causality, synchrony and other
forms of interactions obtained invasively through chronically implanted
multi-electrode arrays, and non-invasively through fMRI, EEG or MEG. Not
only within modality interactions are targeted, such as synchrony
between spike trains, but also across modalities, such as interactions
between spike trains and local field potentials (LFPs) and between LFPs
and fMRI, or EEG and fMRI. The recorded signals can be linear and
stationary or not, and their interactions requiring the bridging of
different temporal and spatial resolutions. Neural engineering
applications of cortical interaction modeling to brain-machine
interfacing and neuroprosthetic devices are encouraged.

Following the success of the special issue on Synchronization in Neural
Systems published as issue 17:2, April 2007, the International Journal
of Neural Systems is devoting
a special issue on neurodynamics of cortical interactions. The main
objective of this special issue is to increase the visibility of the
techniques and methods of cortical interaction modeling, and to foster
the exchange between different disciplines, hence, the contributions
should be made accessible not only to the neural engineering audience.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their full-length articles of
maximally 30 double spaced pages following the submission guidelines of
IJNS. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
Submission of a manuscript implies that it is original unpublished work
that has not been submitted for possible publication elsewhere
previously. Please inform the guest editors and the Editor-in-Chief
about your intention to submit a manuscript for possible publication in
the special issue as soon as possible. Please email your original
contribution as a pdf file to the first Guest Editor with a copy to the
Editor-in-Chief by December 31, 2008.


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