Connectionists: postdoc position
Klaus Obermayer
oby at
Tue Feb 6 03:35:21 EST 2007
Postdoctoral Position
Adaptive Algorithms for the Detection and Discrimination of Spikes in
Multi-Tetrode Recordings
3 years, salary level BAT IIa, starting date: immediate
Berlin University of Technology and Bernstein Center,
Berlin, Germany
A postdoctoral position is available within a government (BMBF) funded
collaborative research project. Goal of the project is the development
of an adaptive, on-line spike sorting method for multi-tetrode arrays.
The new technology will then be applied for the study of neural
representations during working memory tasks in primate prefrontal cortex
(in collaboration with Dr. M. Munk, Max Planck Institute for Brain
Research, Frankfurt).
The successful candidate should have a strong background in signal
processing and machine learning, and should ideally already have
research experience with the analysis of multielectrode recordings and
with spike sorting applications.
Please send applications to (preferably by email):
Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer, Neural Information Processing Group,
FR 2-1, Franklinstrasse 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany,
email: oby at
Applications will be considered until position is filled.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer phone: 49-30-314-73442
FR2-1, NI, Fakultaet IV 49-30-314-73120
Technische Universitaet Berlin fax: 49-30-314-73121
Franklinstrasse 28/29 e-mail: oby at
10587 Berlin, Germany
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