Connectionists: Workshop in AlifeX - Call for papers
Fernando Almeida e Costa
F.AlmeidaCosta at
Fri Feb 17 12:32:04 EST 2006
....................Call for papers and demos........................
..............Motion, Morphologies and Cognition.....................
.................. Workshop @ AlifeX............................. ..........
...........Organized by the Morphodynamics and Cognition Group...........
...................University of Sussex...................................
AlifeX, in June, taking place at Indiana University, USA, is to host a
workshop on Morphologies, Motion and Cognition organised by the
Morphodynamics and
Cognition Group from the University of Sussex. This workshop will take place
on the 3rd of June (all-day session), and on the evening of the 4th. Venue:
Indiana Memorial Union, in the same area as the main conference
We are accepting submissions of papers and/or proposals of demos.
Aim of the workshop
Our intention is to bring together researchers from robotics, psychology,
and ethology to examine and discuss how morphology and motion shapes the
worlds and cognitive behaviours of robots and natural organisms. Although we
welcome simulations, we want to encourage work on "physical" robots, or
simulated robots that have interesting morphologies.
In the approach to cognition that we will be discussing, cognitive activity
is regarded as crucially dependent upon, and emerging from, the exploitation
all the physical properties available to the agent, namely its morphology
and motion. The key principle of this approach is to minimise the amount of
at the algorithmic level by exploiting the dynamics of the agent, produced
by its interaction with the environment.
This approach views organisms and robots as dynamic systems, whose parts are
continually perturbed by cues from their environments that act to modulate
Keynote Speakers
Inman Harvey, University of Sussex
Rolf Pfeifer, University of Zurich
The work to be submitted may include (but is not limited to) the following
- the exploitation by an agent of its morphodynamics (morphologies and
motion) for cognitive purposes, at any level of "cognition" in both humans
and robots.
- passive dynamic walkers
- relation with the environment through active perception
- evolution of morphologies, morphogenesis
- developmental issues in both humans/animals and robots
- dynamical theories of cognition
- embodied and situated robotics
- constructed worlds of robots
- articulated motion in robots and animals
- sensorimotor and movement coordination
- evolvable hardware
- design principles for fully embodied and situated robots
- automatic robot manufacture
- 3D rapid prototyping printers
- non-holonomic robot control
- control for underactuated or compliant structures
- methods for the analysis of the interaction of morphology, motion, and
Papers can either be technical or conceptual, in the area covered by the
Length should not exceed 10 pages, double spaced, and must be emailed in pdf
format to one of the organisers (see addresses below in "organising
Demos can be presented as physical robots, computer simulations or videos of
physical robots. If you are interested in presenting a demo please contact
of the members of the organising committee as soon as possible.
Important dates
Deadline submission: May 1
Notification of acceptance: May 10
Camera-ready versions: May 20
If the submitted contributions are of sufficient quality, papers emerging
from the workshop will be forwarded to undergo the review process of a
journal, for a special issue.
You may find detailed information about the workshop in our webpage at
or through the conference webpage at
Bill Bigge, University of Sussex
Josh Bongard, Cornell University
Inman Harvey, University of Sussex
Phil Husbands, University of Sussex
Fumiya Iida, University of Zurich
Eduardo Izquierdo-Torres, University of Sussex
Akio Ishiguro, University of Nagoya
Hod Lipson, Cornell University
Max Lungarella, University of Tokyo
Romi Nijhawan, University of Sussex
Chandana Paul, Cornell University
Rolf Pfeifer, University of Zurich
Linda Smith, Indiana University
Olaf Sporns, Indiana University
Kasper Støy, University of Southern Denmark
Tim Taylor, Timberpost, Ltd.
Eric Vaughan, University of Sussex
Rachel Wood, University of Sussex
Tom Ziemke, University of Skövde
Organising Committee
Fernando Almeida e Costa
F.AlmeidaCosta at
Ian Macinnes
ian at
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