Connectionists: Final Hotel and Meeting Registration for Wam-Bamm*06

james Bower bower at
Fri Feb 17 17:09:35 EST 2006

        Deadline for Pre-registration and Hotel Reservations


                          San Antonio Texas

                         March 23 - 25, 2006

February 24th (this coming Friday) is the final deadline for meeting 
pre-registration and hotel reservations.

After the 24th, registration costs increase by 25% and we can not 
guarantee you a room at the hotel.

Hotel Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-345-9285
Make sure and mention that you are attending the Wam-Bamm meeting

Meeting registration is open at the meeting website

Meeting Structure

Wam-Bamm is a meeting devoted to realistic biological modeling.  This 
years meeting will take place over three days, organized as follows:

Thursday March 23rd    site:  University of Texas San Antonio

Morning:  Tutorials on the Introduction to Realistic Modeling

Afternoon:  Special Workshop on the Future Development of Biological 

Evening:  Grand opening of the new Computational Biology Facility in 
San Antonio


Friday March 24th      site: Menger Hotel

Contributed and Invited Papers. 

A special Tribute to Wil Rall and his pioneering work on 
compartmental modeling of dendrites.

Sat. March 25th       Site: Menger Hotel

Special focus on modeling / simulation / and analysis of the olfactory system. 

Evening:  banquet and rodeo  :-)

Invited speakers for this year's meeting include:

Wil Rall (NIH Retired)
       "Retrospective on 40 years of dendritic modeling:  where it all started"

Gordon Shepherd (Yale University)
        "Dendro-dendritic connections:  a realistic model-based prediction"

Phillip Ulinski  (University of Chicago)
      "Waves, Avalanches and Metastable States in Visual Cortex"

John Miller  (Montana State University)
      "What is a "feature detecting cell"? What is a "feature"?"

Mike Hasselmo (Boston University)
       "Modeling the neurophysiological mechanisms of memory guided behavior."

John Rinzel  (NYU)
       "Timing computations in the auditory brain stem"

John Kauer   (Tufts University)
        "Computation in olfaction"

Upinder Bhalla (National Center for Biological Sciences Bangalore, India)
        "Coding in the olfactory system"

Rehan Khan (U.C. Berkeley)
       "Predicting olfactory perception from odorant structure"

The special Workshop on Simulator Structure will include 
presentations and discussions led by:

Dr. James Bower:  Overview - where we have been, where we are going

Dr. David Beeman:  Development of GENESIS 3.0

Dr. Upinder Bhalla:  The Design and Capabilities of MOOSE

Dr. Sharon Crook and Padraig Gleeson: NeuroML, the XML for neuronal 
simulation project

Mr. Josef Svitak:  Interface Design

Dr. Greg Hood:  HPC and Neural Simulation: Capacity for large scale models

Dr. James Bower:  Internet tools for collaboration

For more information on Wam-Bamm*06 including the full meeting program visit:

                       James M. Bower Ph.D.

                      Research Imaging Center
    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
                        7703 Floyd Curl Drive
                     San Antonio, TX  78284-6240

                  Cajal Neuroscience Center
                University of Texas San Antonio

                      Phone: 210 567 8080
                         Fax: 210 567 8152

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