BioInformatics Workshop (post-ICANN 2005), Torun, Poland (BIT05), Call for Papers

Wlodzislaw Duch wduch at
Wed Mar 9 05:41:08 EST 2005


Workshop on Applications of Statistical and Machine Learning in
BIT 2005, Toruń, Poland, September 16-17 2005

You are kindly invited to participate in BIT 2005, a workshop on
applications of machine learning in bioinformatics and computational
biology organized jointly by the European Neural Network Society and
the Nicholas Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. BIT 2005 will
be held as a satellite workshop in  parallel with the International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2005, September 11-15
Warsaw, Poland.

We invite the submission of original contributions. The focus of the
workshop and the planned volume are applications of Neural Networks
and other  machine learning techniques to problems arising in the
fields of bioinformatics  and computational biology. However,
contributions covering related topics  are also encouraged. We plan
to publish selected original papers in a special  volume of "Studies
in Computational Intelligence"; a new series published by

The papers should have up to 10 pages (including figures, tables and
references).To ensure high quality and consistency of the proceedings
 please use Latex or Microsoft Word and follow the Springer style for
multi-author  books and proceedings, available from the Springer
site. For Latex please use and for Microsoft Word
files. Please, do not use the ICANN 2005 paper submission page to
submit your manuscripts, submitting them instead via e-mail directly
to one of the organizers (see below) in the pdf format.

Additional information regarding the workshop, program and submission
of contributions are available at:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Toruń, a beautiful medieval
town in central Poland (

The workshop fee is only 25 Euro, including lunch and transportation
from Warsaw to Torun by bus, we may help to book a reasonable
accommodation in Torun (W.N.).

Workshop orgnaizers,
Wiesław Nowak (wiesiek at
Jarek Meller (jmeller at

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