SPP: Pylyshyn conference Early Registration Discount

Don Dedrick ddedrick at uoguelph.ca
Thu Mar 10 14:08:06 EST 2005

*Zenon Pylyshyn Conference*
April 29-May 1 In Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Philosophy, Computing and Information Science, and the Graduate Program 
in Applied Cognitive Science (Psychology) at the University of Guelph, 
Ontario, Canada are sponsoring an international, interdisciplinary 
conference to honour the 20th Anniversary of the publication of Zenon 
Pylyshyn's classic work in the foundations of cognitive science, 
/Computation and Cognition/. Professor Pylyshyn will give the keynote 
address. Confirmed speakers: Austen Clark, Paul Churchland, Susan Carey, 
Brian Cantwell-Smith, Michael Dawson, Melvyn Goodale, Stevan Harnad, 
Charles Reiss, Brian Scholl, Claudia Uller. Registration is 40 dollars 
(CAN). There is no registration fee for students, undergraduate or 
graduate. (For planning purposes, the conference organizers would 
appreciate advance notification of attendance by students. Please send 
an e-mail message to abelk at uoguelph.ca <mailto:abelk at uoguelph.ca>).

*Discount for Early Registration:* 25 dollars (CAN), before April 1st. 
To register send a cheque or money order made out to "University of 
Guelph," c/o Alan Belk, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Guelph, 
Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1. Registration fee includes a reception 
and a lunch. See <zencon.ca <http://zencon.ca>> for further details.

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