Connectionists: Call for papers - reminder
pramod gupta
jain_shaloo at
Tue Apr 26 18:54:42 EDT 2005
Verification, Validation and Certification of Neuro-Adaptive Controllers in
Safety-Related Areas
Montreal, Canada, Friday, August 5, 2005
A Workshop in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks 2005
Workshop Outline
Over the recent years, artificial Neural Networks (NNs) have found their way
into various safety-related and safety-critical areas, like transportation,
avionics, environmental monitoring and control, and medical
applications.Quite often, these applications (using NN techniques ranging
from classification to monitoring and control) proved to be highly
successful, leading from a pure research prototype into a serious
experimental system (e.g., a neural-network-based flight-control system
test-flown on a manned NASA F-15 aircraft) or a commercial product (e.g.,
Sharp's Logi-cook).
However, the general question of how to make sure that the NN-based adaptive
control system performs as expected in all cases has not yet been addressed
satisfactorily. While theory and concepts of adaptive systems and
intelligent control have been studied in depth over the past decade or so,
only very little attention has been paid to the issue of validating the
correctness and safety of their operation. All safety-related software
applications require careful verification and validation (V\&V) of the
software components, ranging from extended testing to full-fledged
certification procedures (e.g., DO178-B). The adaptive nature of neural
networks requires a significantly different approach to verification and
validation than used for traditional software, since dynamic adaptation of
parameters, iterative numerical algorithms, and complex control
architectures renders traditional approaches to V\&V impracticable. Many
prototypical/experimental application of neural networks in safety-related
areas have demonstrated superior behavior and practical usefulness. Unless,
however, methods and techniques have been developed which are capable of
assuring the correctness and performance of a neural-network based system,
NN applicability in safety-critical areas is substantially limited.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers and users of
learning and adaptive systems and control systems in order to create a forum
for discussing recent advances in verification, validation, and testing of
learning systems, to understand better the practical requirements for
developing and deploying neuro-adaptive, and to inspire research on new
methods and techniques for verification, validation, and testing.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
applications of learing and adaptive methods and NNs in safety-critical
areas and experience/lessons learned.
applications of collaborative filtering problems, node modeling for belief
networks and dependency networks, sequential decision making tasks,
diagnosis problems, autonomous systems, robotics, and security, etc.
techniques, tools, and methods to assess and guarantee the performance of a
NN, e.g., statistical (Bayesian) methods, rule extraction with subsequent
V&V, methods for convergence/stability analysis, dynamic monitoring of the
NN behavior, etc.,
V&V techniques that are specifically suitable for on-line trained and
adaptive systems, and
software development, V\&V, and certification processes for learning and
adaptive systems.
Important Dates:
Authors should submit a PDF file of their paper to schumann AT
Submission of papers: April 27, 2005
Notification of acceptance: May 4, 2005
Camera-ready copy: May 15, 2005
Workshop: August 5, 2005
Workshop organizers
Johann Schumann, RIACS/NASA Ames, schumann AT
Pramod Gupta, QSS Inc/ NASA Ames, pgupta AT (650)604-1824
Dragos Margineantu, The Boeing Company, dragos.d.margineantu AT
Program Committee
B. Cukic, WVU
S. Jacklin, NASA Ames
T. Menzies, PSU
A. Mili, NJIT
M. Richard, NASA DFRC
F. Sheldon, ORNL
For questions or comments, please send email to schumann AT
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