Neural Networks 16(9): Special Issue on "Neuroinformatics"
Neural Networks Editorial Office
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Sun Oct 19 20:35:42 EDT 2003
Contents - Volume 16, Numbers 9 - 2003
2003 Special Issue:"Neuroinformatics"
edited by Shun-ichi Amari, Michael A Arbib and Rolf Kotter
Language evolution: neural homologies and neuroinformatics.
Michael Arbib, Mihail Bota
Network participation indices: characterizing component roles for
information processing in neural networks.
Rolf Kotter, Klaas E. Stephan
Towards a formalization of disease-specific ontologies for
Amarnath Gupta, Bertram Ludascher, Jeffrey S. Grethe, Maryann E. Martone
Visiome: neuroinformatics research in vision project.
Shiro Usui
Neuroanatomical database of normal Japanese brains.
Kazunori Sato, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda, Ryuta Kawashima
Complex independent component analysis of frequency-domain
electroencephalographic data.
Jorn Anemuller, Terrence J. Sejnowsky, Scott Makeig
Learning and inference in the brain.
Karl Friston
Modeling the adaptive visual system: a survey of principled approaches.
Lars Schwabe, Klaus Obermayer
Self-correction mechanism for path integration in a modular navigation
system on the basis of an egocentric spatial map.
Regina Mudra, Rodney J. Douglas
Kinetic simulation of signal transduction system in hippocampal
long-term potentiation with dynamic modeling of protein phosphatase 2A.
Shinichi Kikuchi, Kenji Fujimoto, Noriyuki Kitagawa, Taro Fuchikawa,
Michiko Abe, Kotaro Oka, Kohtaro Takei, Masaru Tomita
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