NIPS workshop schedule

Robert Jacobs nips-workshop-admin at
Fri Oct 3 17:21:45 EDT 2003

The Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference and
workshops will take place in Vancouver and Whistler, respectively, on
December 8-13.  The workshop schedule is now available (see below).
More information=20 (including more details about each workshop) can
be obtained from the NIPS web site:

Robert Jacobs and Satinder Singh
NIPS workshop co-chairs


Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) workshops

Two-Day Workshops

Title: Neural-Inspired Architectures for Nanoelectronics
Organizers: Valeriu Beiu, Ulrich R=FCckert

Title: Robust Communication Dynamics in Complex Networks
Organizers: Rajarshi Das, Irina Rish, Gerald Tesauro, Cris Moore

Friday, December 12

Title: Estimation of Entropy and Information of Undersampled Probability
        Distributions: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Neural Code
Organizers: William Bialek, Ilya Nemenman

Title: Feature Extraction Challenge
Organizers: Isabelle Guyon, Masoud Nikravesh, Kristin Bennett, Richard Caruana,
             Asa Ben-Hur, Andre Elisseeff, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Steve Gunn

Title: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Organizers: J. Anthony Gualtieri

Title: Machine Learning Meets the User Interface
Organizers: John Shawe-Taylor, John Platt

Title: Neural Representation of Uncertainty
Organizers: Sophie Deneve, Angela Yu

Title: New Problems and Methods in Bioinformatics
Organizers: Christina Leslie, William Noble, Koji Tsuda

Title: RNNaissance Workshop (Recurrent Neural Networks)
Organizers: Juergen Schmidhuber, Alex Graves, Bram Bakker

Title: Syntax, Semantics, and Statistics
Organizers: Richard Shiffrin, Mark Steyvers, David Blei, Tom Griffiths

Saturday, December 13

Title: Approximate Nearest Neighbor Techniques for Local Learning and
Organizers: Trevor Darrell, Piotr Indyk, Gregory Shakhnarovich, Paul Viola

Title: Computing with Spikes: Implementation of Biology and Theory
Organizers: Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Timothy Horiuchi, Giacomo Indiveri

Title: ICA: Sparse Representations in Signal Processing
Organizers: Barak Pearlmutter, Scott Rickard, Justinian Rosca, Stefan

Title: Information Theory and Learning: The Bottleneck and Information
Distortion Approach
Organizers: Naftali Tishby, Tomas Gedeon

Title: Neural Processing of Complex Acoustic Signals
Organizers: Melissa Dominguez, Ian Bruce, Sue Becker

Title: Nonparametric Bayesian Methods and Infinite Models
Organizers: Matthew Beal, Yee Whye Teh

Title: Open Challenges in Cognitive Vision
Organizers: Barbara Caputo, Henrik Christensen, Christian Wallraven

Title: Planning for the Real World: The Promises and Challenges of
        Dealing with Uncertainty
Organizers: Drew Bagnell, Joelle Pineau, Nicholas Roy

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