PhD thesis available: Spiking Neural Networks
Sander Bohte
S.M.Bohte at
Wed Apr 23 10:00:56 EDT 2003
Dear Connectionists,
My PhD thesis on Computation with Asynchronous
Spiking Neural Networks
is now available on the WWW at
For those interested, I have appended the index
Best regards,
Sander Bohte
Keywords: spiking neural networks, spike time coding, sparse distributed
coding, unsupervised clustering, supervised learning, dynamic feature
binding, higher-order correlations.
1. Introduction
1.1 Artificial Neural Networks
1.2 Computing with asynchronous spike-times
2. Unsupervised Clustering with Spiking Neurons by Sparse Temporal
Coding and Multi-Layer RBF Networks
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Networks of delayed spiking neurons
2.3 Encoding continuous input variables in spike-times
2.4 Clustering with Receptive Fields
2.5 Hierarchical clustering in a multi-layer network
2.6 Complex clusters
2.7 Discussion and Conclusions
3. Error-Backpropagation in Temporally Encoded Networks of Spiking
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Error-backpropagation
3.3 The XOR-problem
3.4 Other Benchmark Problems
3.5 Discussion
3.6 Conclusion
4. A Framework for Position-invariant Detection of Feature-conjunctions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Local Computation with Distributed Encodings
4.3 Implementation
4.4 Experiments
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Conclusions
5. Formal Specification of Invariant Feature-conjunction Detection
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Formal Description
5.3 Conclusion
6. The effects of pair-wise and higher order correlations on the firing
rate of a post-synaptic neuron
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Mathematical Solution of the three-neuron problem
6.3 Calculating the Distribution with N Identical Neurons
6.4 An artificial neural network
6.5 Discussion
6.6 Conclusion
7. The Biology of Spiking Neurons
7.1 Real Neurons Spike
7.2 Precision and Reliability of Real Spikes
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