Openings at the Max Planck Institute in Tuebingen

Bernhard Schoelkopf bernhard.schoelkopf at
Mon Mar 18 13:07:20 EST 2002

Dear Colleagues:

Several positions at various levels (MSc, PhD, Postdoc) are available in
a new department at the Max Planck Institute in Tuebingen, Germany,
studying learning theory and algorithms with applications in various
domains (computer vision, bioinformatics, psychophysics modeling - for
further information, cf.

We invite applications of candidates with an outstanding academic record
including a strong mathematical background. Please forward this message
to suitable candidates.

Max Planck Institutes are publicly funded research labs with an emphasis
on excellence in basic research. Tuebingen is a small university town in
southern Germany, see
for some pictures.

Please submit applications (hardcopy or e-mail, including names of
potential referees) by the end of April to:

Bernhard Schoelkopf
Max-Planck-Institut fuer biologische Kybernetik
72076 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 601 551
Fax  +49 7071 601 577

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