Ph.D. Studentships at the University of Stirling

Norbert Krueger norbert at
Sat Dec 21 11:29:30 EST 2002

Ph.D. Studentships at the University of Stirling (Scotland)

The Department of Psychology at the University of Stirling
wishes to encourage potential Ph.D. students with a
background in human or computer vision to apply for
doctorate stipends. We offer interesting projects in the
domain visual scene analysis.

The goal of our studies is to design a machine vision system of
superior performance. To this end principles of distributed
cognitive reasoning shall be implemented in software and
tested with artificial and real visual scenes.

You shall develop this software in cooperation with other members
of the group. Good software knowledge of C++ is required. It would
also be helpful if you have a background in computer- and
camera-equipment hardware. We also offer good access to
industrially relevant machine vision problems through co-operations
with our industrial partners.

It may well be that also additional sources of funding will be

Please direct inquiries to Norbert Krueger  University of Stirling,
Computational Neuroscience, Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland, UK
or email to norbert at

Dr. Norbert Krueger                 University of Stirling
Computational Neuroscience          Computer Vision Group
Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland, UK
Tel: ++44 (0) 1786 466378           Fax: ++44 (0) 1786 467641
Email: norbert at

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