two workshops in Lausanne (Feb 2003)

Wulfram Gerstner Wulfram.Gerstner at
Mon Dec 16 10:45:40 EST 2002

Dear connectionists,

in order to mark the opening of the new `Brain and Mind Institute'
at the EPFL in Lausanne, two conferences will be hosted by the

(i) `The 2003 EPFL Latsis Symposium on Neural Coding and Modeling' (Feb
	   with an emphasis of theory
(ii) The `Brain in Motion' conference (Feb 19-22)
	    with a focus on experiments.

Participation is free, but registration via FAX is mandatory.

More details are available on the conference WEB pages
(i)  Neural Coding and Modeling
(ii) Brain in Motion

(i) The 2003 Latsis Symposium on Neural Coding and Modeling
	H.D.I Abarbanel, L. Abbott, W. Bialek, N. Brunel,
	C. Chow, P. Dayan, A. Destexhe, P. Goodman, J.L. van Hemmen
	J. Hertz, A. Herz, P. Konig, A. Longtin, W. Maass, E. Niebur
	K. Obermayer, K. Pawelzik, J. Rinzel, W. Senn, A. Treves, M. Tsodyks

(ii) Brain in Motion
	M. Abeles, P. Aebischer, G. Buzsaki, S. Catsicas, M. Cuenod, P. de
	J. Defelipe, R. Douglas, Y. Dudai, G. Edelman, Y. Fregnac, T. Freund,
S. Grillner,
	A. Grinvald, M. Hausser, P. Jonas, N. Logothetis, P. Magistretti, H.
	K. Martin, A. Matus, M. Merzenich, D. Monard, H. Monyer, D. Muller, 
	M. Nicolelis, C. Peterson, K. Rockland, E. Rouiller, B. Sakmann, M.
	M. Segal, W. Singer, P. Somogyi, M. Sur, A. Thompson, S. Tongawa, E.
Welker, R. Yuste

Looking forward to seeing you in Lausanne,
H. Markram and W. Gerstner

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