Neural Networks 15(4/5/6): 2002 Special Issue
Neural Networks Japan Office
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Wed Aug 21 03:00:21 EDT 2002
Contents - Volume 15, Numbers 4/5/6 - 2002
2002 Special Issue
"Computational Models of Neuromodulation"
Kenji Doya, Peter Dayan, and Michael E. Hasselmo, co-editors
***** Introduction *****
Cellular, synaptic and network effects of neuromodulation
Eve Marder and Vatsala Thirumalai
Metalearning and neuromodulation
Kenji Doya
***** Dopamine *****
Dopamine-dependent plasticity of cortico-striatal synapses
John N.J. Reynolds and Jeffery R. Wickens
TD models of reward predictive responses in dopamine neurons
Roland E. Suri
Actor-critic models of the basal ganglia: new anatomical and
computational perspectives.
Daphna Joel, Yael Niv, Eytan Ruppin
Dopamine: generalization and bonuses
Sham Kakade and Peter Dayan
The computational role of dopamine D1 receptors in working memory
Daniel Durstewitz and Jeremy Seamans
Dopamine controls fundamental cognitive operations of multi-target
spatial working memory.
Shoji Tanaka
An integrative theory of the phasic and tonic modes of dopamine
modulation in the prefrontal cortex.
Jean-Claude Dreher, Yves Burnod
***** Serotonin *****
Opponent Interactions between serotonin and dopamine
Nathaniel D. Daw, Sham Kakade, Peter Dayan
Local analysis of behaviour in the adjusting-delay task assessing
choice of delayed reinforcement
Rudolf N. Cardinal, Natheniel Daw, Trevor W. Robbins and Barry J. Everitt
***** Norepinephrine *****
Neuromodulation of decision and response selection
Marius Usher, Eddy Davelaar
Simplified dynamics in a model of noradrenergic modulation of
cognitive performance
M. S. Gilzenrat, B. D. Holmes, J. Rajkowski, G. Aston-Jones,
and J. D. Cohen
Control of exploitation-exploration meta-parameter in reinforcement
Shin Ishii, Wako Yoshida, Junichiro Yoshimoto
***** Acetylcholine *****
Neuromodulation, theta rhythm and rat spatial navigation
Michael Hasselmo, Jonathan Hay, Maxin Ilyn, and Anatoli Gorchetchinikov
Cholinergic modulation of sensory representations in the olfactory bulb
Christiane Linster and Thomas A. Cleland
Acetylcholine in cortical inference
Angela J. Yu, Peter Dayan
Sensory-motor gating and cognitive control by the brainstem cholinergic systems
Yasushi Kobayashi and Tadashi Isa
***** On-line Adaptation *****
On-line learning in changing environments with applications in supervised
and unsupervised learning.
Noboru Murata, Motoaki Kawanabe, Andreas Ziehe, Klaus-Robert Muller,
Shun-ichi Amari
Neuromodulation and plasticity in an autonomous robot
Olaf Sporns, William H. Alexander
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