neural binding

Lokendra Shastri shastri at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Aug 16 02:51:58 EDT 2002

Dear Connectionists,

The following is a list of papers by my collaborators and I that address the
four problems for Cognitive Neuroscience posed by Ray Jackendoff. Most of these
papers and other related papers are accessible at

1. The dynamic binding problem

 ``Rules and variables in neural nets'', 
 V. Ajjanagadde and L. Shastri,
 Neural Computation. 3, 121--134, 1991.

 ``From simple associations to systematic reasoning: a connectionist encoding
 of rules, variables, and dynamic bindings using temporal synchrony"
 L. Shastri and V. Ajjanagadde.
 Behavioral and Brain Sciences Vol. 16, No. 3, 417--494, 1993.

 (the response to commentators section of the above paper also addresses
  the problem of encoding embedded structures using dynamic bindings)

 ``Temporal Synchrony, Dynamic Bindings, and SHRUTI:
 a representational but non-classical model of reflexive reasoning'',
 L. Shastri.
 Behavioral and Brain Sciences Vol. 19, No. 2, 331-337, 1996.

 ``Advances in SHRUTI --- A neurally motivated model of relational
 knowledge representation and rapid inference using temporal synchrony'',
 L. Shastri.
 Applied Intelligence, 11, 79--108, 1999.

 ``Seeking coherent explanations --- a fusion of structured connectionism,
 temporal synchrony, and evidential reasoning,''
 L. Shastri and C. Wendelken.
 In Proc. 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society,
 pp. 453--458, Philadelphia, PA. August 2000.

 Also relevant here is the work of Jaime Henderson on parsing. He shows
 how a parse structure can be built incrementally using a Shruti-like
 representations and synchronous binding.

 "Connectionist Syntactic Parsing Using Temporal Variable Binding.
 Henderson, J. (1994)
 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 23 (5) p. 353--379. 

2. The problem of 2 (aka the multiple instantiation problem)

 L. Shastri and V. Ajjanagadde, BBS 1993 listed above

 ``Reflexive Reasoning with Multiple-Instantiation in in a
 Connectionist Reasoning System with a Typed Hierarchy'',
 D.R. Mani, and L. Shastri.
 Connection Science, Vol. 5, No. 3 & 4, 205--242. 1993.

3. (typed) variables

  Preliminary solutions were proposed in Shastri and Ajjanagadde, BBS 1993,
  and Mani and Shastri, Connection Science 1993.

  A fully developed solution appears in
 ``Types and Quantifiers in Shruti --- a connectionist model of
  rapid reasoning and relational processing,''
  L. Shastri.
  In Hybrid Neural Symbolic Integration, S. Wermter and R. Sun (Eds.),
  Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 28-45, 2000.

4. One-shot learning of relational structures in long-term memory

  ``Episodic memory and cortico-hippocampal interactions,''
  L. Shastri,
  Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(4):162-168.

  ``From transient patterns to persistent structures: a computational
  model of episodic memory formation via cortico-hippocampal interactions,''
  L. Shastri,
  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 62 pages (In revision).

 ``Biological Grounding of Recruitment Learning and Vicinal Algorithms
  in Long-term Potentiation'', 
  L. Shastri. In Emergent neural computational architectures based on
  neuroscience, J. Austin, S. Wermter, and D. Wilshaw (Eds.), 
  Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 348-367, 2001.

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