Rachlin: ALTRUISM AND SELFISHNESS: BBS Call for Commentators

Stevan Harnad - Behavioral & Brain Sciences (Editor) bbs at bbsonline.org
Mon Oct 22 14:41:14 EDT 2001

Dear Dr. Connectionists List User,

        Below is the abstract of a forthcoming BBS target article


			   Howard Rachlin


This article has been accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain
Sciences (BBS), an international, interdisciplinary journal providing
Open Peer Commentary on important and controversial current research in
the biobehavioral and cognitive sciences.

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To help you decide whether you would be an appropriate commentator for
this article, an electronic draft is retrievable from the online 
BBSPrints Archive, at the URL that follows the abstract below.



Howard Rachlin
Psychology Department
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York, 11794-2500

   KEYWORDS: addiction, altruism, commitment, cooperation, defection,
             egoism, impulsiveness, patterning, prisoners dilemma, reciprocation,
             reinforcement, selfishness, self-control

   ABSTRACT: Many situations in human life present choices between (a) narrowly
preferred particular alternatives and (b) narrowly less preferred (or aversive)
particular alternatives that nevertheless form part of highly preferred abstract
behavioral patterns. Such alternatives characterize problems of self-control. For
example, at any given moment, a person may accept alcoholic drinks yet also prefer
being sober to being drunk over the next few days. Other situations present
choices between (a) alternatives beneficial to an individual and (b) alternatives
that are less beneficial (or harmful) to the individual that would nevertheless be
beneficial if chosen by many individuals. Such alternatives characterize problems
of social cooperation; choices of the latter alternative are generally considered
to be altruistic. Altruism, like self-control, is a valuable temporally-extended
pattern of behavior. Like self-control, altruism may be learned and maintained over
an individuals lifetime. It needs no special inherited mechanism. Individual acts
of altruism, each of which may be of no benefit (or of possible harm) to the actor,
may nevertheless be beneficial when repeated over time. However, because each
selfish decision is individually preferred to each altruistic decision, people can
benefit from altruistic behavior only when they are committed to an altruistic
pattern of acts and refuse to make decisions on a case-by-case basis



Please do not prepare a commentary yet. Just let us know, after having
inspected it, what relevant expertise you feel you would bring to bear
on what aspect of the article. We will then let you know whether it was
possible to include your name on the final formal list of invitees.



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    would like to see accorded BBS multiple book review.

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