ESANN'2002 : extended deadline
Thu Nov 29 09:09:42 EST 2001
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| ESANN'2002 |
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| 10th European Symposium |
| on Artificial Neural Networks |
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| Bruges (Belgium) - April 24-25-26, 2002 |
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| Extended deadline |
Due to numerous requests, we are pleased to announce that the deadline for
submitting papers to the ESANN'2002 conference has been extended.
New deadline: December 10, 2001.
The ESANN'2002 covers most of the topics related to the neural network field
(see for details). Six special sessions
will also be organized:
1. Perspectives on Learning with Recurrent Networks (B. Hammer, J.J. Steil)
2. Representation of high-dimensional data (A. Gurin-Dugu, J. Hrault)
3. Neural Network Techniques in Fault Detection and Isolation (S. Simani)
4. Hardware and Parallel Computer Implementations of Neural Networks (U. Seiffert)
5. Exploratory Data Analysis in Medicine and Bioinformatics (A. Wismller,
T. Villmann)
6. Neural Networks and Cognitive Science (H. Paugam-Moisy, D. Puzenat)
Instructions concerning the submission of papers are detailed on the web
site of the conference.
ESANN - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
* For submissions of papers, reviews,...
Michel Verleysen
Univ. Cath. de Louvain - Microelectronics Laboratory
3, pl. du Levant - B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium
tel: +32 10 47 25 51 - fax: + 32 10 47 25 98
mailto:esann at
* Conference secretariat
d-side conference services
24 av. L. Mommaerts - B-1140 Evere - Belgium
tel: + 32 2 730 06 11 - fax: + 32 2 730 06 00
mailto:esann at
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