Paper available: hebbian learning with time spikes
Sander Bohte
S.M.Bohte at
Thu Dec 20 03:29:58 EST 2001
The following paper, on computing with precisely times spiking neurons,
is available from
or from
S.M. Bohte, H. La Poutre and J.N. Kok (2002). "Unsupervised Clustering
with Spiking Neurons by Sparse Temporal Coding and Multi-Layer RBF
Networks." This is a final draft of a paper that will appear in IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks (2002).
We demonstrate that spiking neural networks encoding information in the
timing of single spikes are capable of computing and learning clusters
from realistic data. We show how a spiking neural network based on
spike-time coding and Hebbian learning can successfully perform
unsupervised clustering on real-world data, and we demonstrate how
temporal synchrony in a multi-layer network can induce hierarchical
clustering. We develop a temporal encoding of continuously valued data
to obtain adjustable clustering capacity and precision with an efficient
use of neurons: input variables are encoded in a population code by
neurons with graded and overlapping sensitivity profiles. We also
discuss methods for enhancing scale-sensitivity of the network and show
how the induced synchronization of neurons within early RBF layers
allows for the subsequent detection of complex clusters.
Spiking neurons, unsupervised learning, high-dimensional clustering,
complex clusters, Hebbian-learning, synchronous firing, sparse coding,
temporal coding, coarse coding.
Sander Bohte
The Netherlands Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Dept SEN4 tel: +31-20 592 4926
Kruislaan 413 fax: +31-20 592 4199
NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam www:
The Netherlands mail: sbohte at
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