ICANN 2002 Final Call for Papers
Jose Dorronsoro
jose.dorronsoro at iic.uam.es
Thu Dec 20 02:39:58 EST 2001
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ICANN 2002 Second and Final Call for Papers
The 12th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2002,
will be held from August 27 to August 30 2002 at the Universidad Autnoma de
Madrid, Spain.
ICANN 2002 welcomes contributions on Theory, Algorithms, Applications and
Implementations on the following broad Areas:
Computational Neuroscience
Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition
Vision and Image Processing
Robotics and Control
Signal and Time Series Processing
Connectionist Cognitive Science
An independent Call for Tutorials, Workshops and Special Sessions has also been
issued. You can find more details on this and other ICANN 2002
matters at its web site, www.ii.uam.es/icann2002.
ICANN Proceedings will be published in the "Lecture Notes in Computer
Science" series of Springer-Verlag. Paper length is restricted to a maximum
of 6 pages, including figures. Detailed author instructions are also
available at the web site.
Submissions will be possible by file uploading or e-mail attach of postscript
or pdf files, and also surface mail. All submissions will require to fill out
electronically a paper information page. The web pages for this and for file
uploads will open in January 7 2002 at the ICANN 2002 site.
More details on these matters can also be found in the author instructions.
Important deadlines are
End of submission receptions: February 15, 2002.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 15, 2002.
Final papers due (in hardcopy and electronically): May 15, 2002.
The Conference Calendar will be:
August 27, 2002: Tutorials and Workshops
August 28-31, 2002: ICANN 2002 Conference
For further information and/or contacts, send inquiries to
icann2002 at ii.uam.es or to
ICANN 2002 Conference Secretariat
Mrs. Juana Calle
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Informtica
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Jos Dorronsoro
ICANN 2002 Chairman
jose.dorronsoro at iic.uam.es
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