Faculty Position in Information Engineering
David LOWE
d.lowe at aston.ac.uk
Mon Mar 13 06:23:03 EST 2000
Lecturer in Information Engineering
Neural Computing Research Group
Aston University, UK
Aston University is seeking to appoint an inspired, research-led
individual to the Information Engineering Group within the School of
Engineering and Applied Science.
Information Engineering encompasses the Neural Computing Research Group, one
of the premier research groups in this area in Europe. The research areas of
the Group are now very diverse, covering both theoretical and practical
aspects of information analysis. These include biomedical signal analysis,
theory and algorithms of novel neural network structures, such as support
vector machines and Gaussian processes, inference and graphical models,
nonlinear time series modelling and a range of application domains. Another
aspect of the group's activities focuses on the relation between statistical
physics and a variety of methods in information analysis (for instance,
support vector machines, Gaussian processes and Bayesian networks) and in
communication (error correcting codes and cryptography). Current research
contracts are valued at around ukp 1 million. The NCRG also runs a
research-based MSc course on Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks. We are
seeking a strong research-active person who is also capable of contributing to
the current and future-planned taught activities. More details on the taught
activities can be obtained from www.maths.aston.ac.uk, and further details of
the research activities can be found on www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk.
Members of the research team are involved in the organisation of most
of the major conferences in the respective areas, and the Group has
links with several Government and industrial organisations through its
research. The group runs its own computing facilities based mainly on
Silicon Graphics, Sun and Alpha computers (including a multiprocessor
Silicon Graphics Challenge machine and a powerful multiprocessor Alpha
Although the position is intended to be permanent, Aston University policy is
to appoint all staff for a fixed term (usually 5 years for lecturers) in the
first instance, with a transfer to a continuing appointment usually made
during the fifth year. Note that this position is equivalent to an assistant
professor in other world locations.
Informal enquiries can be made via email to Prof Lowe
(d.lowe at aston.ac.uk). Further details may be obtained from the Personnel
Office at Aston University. Interested individuals should send a comprehensive
resume and a list of referees to either the Personnel Office or to the Group's
administrator (v.j.bond at aston.ac.uk). Electronic submissions are welcome.
The closing date for submissions is 1st May 2000.
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