RIKEN Summer School

Shunichi Amari amari at brain.riken.go.jp
Tue Jan 18 00:09:35 EST 2000

RIKEN Brain Science Institute will organize

            Summer Program 2000

The Brain Science Institute (BSI) at RIKEN is offering a summer program to
train advanced students interested in brain function. Applicants may choose
either a laboratory internship for two months with one of the 30
Laboratories at BSI, or participate in an intensive two-week lecture course
featuring a distinguished international faculty. Summer Interns (Plan A)
also enroll in the Lecture Course (Plan B). Travel and lodging expenses
will be supported.

Deadline : March 31, 2000

  July 4 - Sept 1

  (Laboratories at RIKEN BSI)
   ・Neuronal Function Research Group
   ・Neuronal Circuit Mechanisms Research Group
   ・Cognitive Brain Science Group
   ・Developmental Brain Science Group
   ・Molecular Neuropathology Group
   ・Aging and Psychiatric Research Group
   ・Brainway Group
   ・Brain-Style Information Systems Research Group
   ・Advanced Technology Development Center(ATDC)

Topic:'How the Brain Works: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches'
  July 4 - July 15

  The purpose of the course is to provide basic concepts necessary for
understanding computation in the brain at different levels from synapses to
systems, and from both experimental and theoretical perspectives.
Individual lecturers will provide basics of their field and advanced

   Tomoyuki Takahashi (University of Tokyo)
   Anthony M. Zador (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
   Idan Segev (The Hebrew University)
   Bruce L. McNaughton (University of Arizona)
   Kensaku Mori (RIKEN/University of Tokyo)
   Ad Aertsen (Albert-Ludwigs-University)
   Shun-ichi Amari (RIKEN)
   Kathleen S. Rockland (University of Iowa)
   Masakazu Konishi (California Institute of Technology)
   Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Human Info. Proc. Res. Labs.)
   Earl K.Miller (RIKEN/Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
   Nancy G. Kanwisher (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
   Shimon Ullman (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
   Keiji Tanaka (RIKEN)
   Okihide Hikosaka (Juntendo University)
   Jun Tanji (Tohoku University)
   Charles Jennings (Nature Neuroscience, Editor)
   others to be included


Application forms : visit our web site http://summer.brain.riken.go.jp
or send inquiries to Summer Program Organizing Committee, BSI, RIKEN
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, JAPAN
E-mail : info at summer.brain.riken.go.jp
Fax : +81-48-462-4914

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